Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Im' gonna...

start all over..."
-Miley Cyrus

I'm not a big Miley fan, but those were the only lyrics with the idea of a new start I could think of. hahaa...
I'm SO excited because tomorrow is a new start of the second semester of my junior year! I'm used to getting straight A's, but this year, I'm getting four B's and only two A's. Plus, the two A's are in my only non-AP/HP classes. :( So it is my GOAL to try and get at leeeeast half and half. I think I can possibly manage an A in Spanish and Math...but we'll see. The incentive for getting super outstanding grades this semester is...okay. well, every two years (every other year) there is an Ingathering of people who went to this church in the Philippines, and my dad and his family are some of those people. Now. Last time it was in Hawaii. :D This coming summer, it will be in Pennsylvania. If I get good grades (meaning better than this semester), then my aunts will pay my way there!
Also, I'm really excited because my older sister is going to apply to study abroad at Oxford!!! ANd if that happens...that will DEFINITELY require some visiting time. So, I'm pretty sure my mom won't let me go if I ask her now, because we don't even know if she's going yet, but I'm fairly certain I'll end up going. Just because I'm super string-headed and stubborn. If I want something, I'll set my mind to it, and through the fire, hail, and any other extreme natural disaster, I'll get it done. I just won't take no for an answer. So, yea. I would have to say that if she ends up going, I'll be going to visit her. AND that means, layover in NEW YORK (most likely)!!! Any one of my aunts is moving to New York. So that would work out just fine, now don't ya think?
So I guess that's how I end up making things happen. I present a well-thought out proposal to my parents and explain to them how and why it would be beneficial to myself AND them. It's worked out well so far...we'll see how this develops. haha...
And now I've forgotten anything else I was planning on telling "you". (I put you in quotations because I'm not entirely sure I really AM talking to anybody. haha!)


Sunday, January 18, 2009

and a happy new year?

Okay, so it's SUUUPER late into the new year to be writing a blog saying "happy new year!"
It's approximately 3:58am as I am writing this. awesome. However, it is a three-day weekend. That extra day really makes all the difference. really. It makes me feel so much more relaxed, and it's almost like a mini-vacation. I watched "Made of Honor" with one of my friends tonight and around 11:30, and then another friend came over and we always watch musicals together, so we ended up watching "Beauty and the Beast" at about 1:25am. I found my entertainment in a Swiffer, and I decided that if someone were to put me in a room with just a Swiffer and padded walls, I'd be good to go for at least a week. They are SO fascinating. I ended up detaching the top two segments of the Swiffer and waved it around with authority repeating, "Swiffa Sabaaaa!" ahhhh...the joys of being loopy. Everything is funnier at 3 in the morning.
Next week is finals for me, and I'm only confident in my....let's final? HA. That's not good. I have straight B's (except for band) which is highly unusual for me, but I'm beginning to accept it. However, I only have a B in Chemistry because my teacher loses papers and has me marked down for about six or seven missing assignments, all of which are then marked as F's. So really I have an A in there.
tonight I made half-plans to go to the snow with the two friends that were over tonight, on Monday. (My mother knows nothing of these schemes yet. mwahahahahaaaa.) "Half-plans," meaning we'll give it a shot but it's not really top priority. We really want to and would enjoy it, but won't be completely devastated if our plans fall through.
BUT, this means I have to do all my studying and homework tomorrow, which is really today. And I'm losing time by writing this. So I'm going to leave now. I'll let you know how everything works out, cool?
(of course it's cool, you have no other choice.)
