Monday, October 22, 2012

"Now it seems...

...I'm just another quarter in your offering."
-Allen Stone

Sheesh. Well, I'm working on a project right now. It's late. It's chilly outside. I made pumpkin cookies. All of these things are conducive to me having thoughts. 
I recently attended a concert (another AMAZING show - seriously!), and found that people like to think that they discovered the artist first. As if it is somehow their artist because they've listened longer, or what have you. I believe this is common knowledge, there always seems to be a 'my horse is bigger than yours' mentality behind the discovery of new music. And I have most certainly fallen into that trap myself. But it's striking me right now. At 1:25 in the morning. On a Sunday night. While it's chilly outside, my windows are open, my knee socks are warming, and autumn delight sits in my belly.
I'm not sure why it is, there must be some sort of branch of evil built into our conscience that tells us that we're the best. We deserve more than someone else, we worked harder than someone else, we are cooler than someone else, etc. This poisonous mentality really gets us nowhere. So what if we are better? Should we not seek humility? The only thing I see as an outcome of being the best, is being recognized as the best. And what is that? Nothing but empty praise from mankind? I think humans will always praise what we can see as superior to ourselves. But why? What do we accomplish in that?
I do it, too. It's my natural reaction. When something is amazing, I respond with awe. 
Actually, I think I know part of the reason. Just track with me, here for a minute. We were created to worship. Worship the King, all glorious above; our shield, defender, ancient of days, Abba, Savior, Creator. We were made in his image, imago dei. So if we achieve our full potential (which is, debatably possible or impossible), are we not becoming more like Christ?
Take musicianship, for example. As Christ-followers, the supposed examples to the world, should we not be the best? For the glory and advancement of our Lord and his Kingdom? There's a lackadaisical mentality that sets in on us Christians. We understand that God used a stinkin' DONKEY in Scriptures, so he can use anything we offer him for his glory. That's the trap into which the enemy wants us to fall. It's kind of a double-edged sword. Yes, we have faith and believe that God can use whatever we give him - which is very true. What we shouldn't believe is that just because he will use it, doesn't mean we shouldn't develop ourselves to our absolute best. If Satan can get us to offer half of ourselves knowing that God will take care of the rest, that is weakness. We are not operating under the commission and obedience to be diligent. It is still good, because of God. But it is not our best.
But now we have to confront the Scripture that says in our weakness, God's strength is made perfect. Yes. I agree. In my most broken days of dragging my feet and hanging my head, my Jesus carries me through (crazy random side note: I literally just tabbed over to facebook and a friend of mine posted her status, "In our weakness, He is made strong." - how appropriate! Haha). But that is in our weakness. I don't believe that weakness and lack of strength are the same thing...maybe I should use other words. I don't think that weakness and a weak performance are one in the same.
My weakness may be that (hypothetically) I was born without a left big toe. That is not on me. That is just the way things are. But in all the challenges and hardships and loss of balance that I encounter, God teaches me so much about His character of faithfulness and strength. In my weakness, God is made strong. I grow to learn more about him and his greatness, he is glorified through my weakness.
Now, let's contrast weakness to a weak performance. Maybe I am a musician, I have a performance tonight, and I still haven't looked at the music (entirely due to lack of motivation). I know that with the God-given talents I have, I should be able to get by just enough so that nobody will really notice. And so I default into "trust God" mode and pray that He will be my strength in my time of 'weakness'. But should I not be the best I can be to honor him? The talents he has placed in me are the exact opposite of weakness. They are my strengths, bestowed upon me through Him in order to bring him praise and honor. So calling my lack of diligence a weakness is just a cop-out. I should be burning to perfect my skills and glorify the Lord with those.
Am I making sense? I think I'm losing myself...I'm just kind of rambling. I dare say I should finish my project now (don't want to be lackadaisical! Haaaa). It's late. I work at 8am tomorrow morning. Eep!
I hope when I come back and read this sometime, it'll all make sense. Hahaha. Good night!

