Monday, February 27, 2012

"Never knew I could feel like this... I've never seen the sky before."
-Ewan McGregor (Moulin Rouge)

I think I might have just fallen...flat on my face in love. I mean, infatuation. I love this man.
I have just stumbled upon him on youtube. And I canNOT help squealing, squeezing my pillow and just wanting to be in this man's presence. I LOVE HIM. FROM A FAR DISTANCE. I am just beyond baffled. UGH. BE MY FRIEND, MICHAEL SHULTE. PLEASE.

Click here and watch any of his covers. His voice. SMOOTH like butter. If I could literally melt into a pool of my own tears and emotion, I would. And then I would proceed to cry more.

All this while I'm watching "The Voice" and swooning over dear Adam. Alright, that's all.


Friday, February 24, 2012

"Quit callin' me...

...I'm no longer hung up on you."
-Allen Stone

I created this post to simply say this: I am not fond of the times when people act like they are smarter than me (even if they are, there is a certain way to go about it).


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"To see if you've changed...

...I'm the same; that's what's wrong."
-Good Old War

There are just some things about some people that will change. And other things that will never change. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worst (worse?).
Sorry to be so negative lately, but something that really bothers me, is when people complain that "people never change", but then turn around in a second and then go on whining that "people change". You just can't make general statements like that! Not every single person can fit into one category like matter how much you want it to work. It won't.
Also, sometimes people develop extremely aggravating habits, but they're still the same person. Still the same soul.

That is all I can remember to talk about.
Currently talking to my BFF on the phone. She is the best. :)


Friday, February 17, 2012

"Darkness is a harsh term, don't you think?...

...and yet, it dominates the things I see."

-Mumford & Sons

Well, first of all, can I just talk briefly about how much I am captivated by this band? There is such a purity of candid thought in all the lyrics. They are real. They address real issues of spirituality and life in a way that I believe can relate to everyone. And I love it because it is just so authentic. It's not just the good thoughts or the happy realizations, but it also expresses deep struggles of wonderment and inner turmoil; paired with inexplicably profound melodies and supporting music that is just impeccably matched with the lyrics. I can't ever get over it. I don't know if I will. I could listen to them alllll day long for weeks, maybe even MONTHS! AH.

Anyway, now I'll actually talk about what I had planned to rant about.

I'm slightly irritated. I get it. You think you're cute, or maybe you have a low self-esteem and need this to feel better about yourself. But PLEASE, for the LOVE of anything, stop posting pictures of yourself with little captions like "No make-up!" or "Just woke up" or "My life be like..." or "Friday nights be crazy.." (the last one is a picture of you making a cute face and sitting on a couch; nice touch, the clear dichotomy, there). EVERYONE KNOWS you take those pictures for the sole purpose of posting them on facebook, tumblr, instagram, or what have you. So....I BEG OF YOU. PLEASE STOP. I'M SICK OF SEEING YOUR FACE ON MY COMPUTER SCREEN (notice how I did not simply end the sentence with "seeing your face", but "seeing your face on my computer screen"). You're pretty cool. I like you most of the time. But can we just respect ourselves a little more and not feel the need to post pictures of ourselves every five minutes? I know what you look like. I don't need to see the many faces of you throughout your day. Just....especially when you take a picture of YOURSELF. It's frustrating. I KNOW YOU DID IT ON PURPOSE.

If someone takes a cute picture of you, that's one thing. But...I just feel like it's so awkward to post a picture of yourself that has clearly been taken on your own time. Like you set aside specific time to take pictures of yourself. So you can post them on the internet. And people will say nice things about you. I just don't get it.

And maybe it's different when you're a photographer and you use a really nice camera or something, maybe not. But they're the worst when they're photobooth/webcam photos that are just.....AGH. I CAN'T HANDLE IT ANYMORE.

I know you're a cool person. I don't need to see your pictures. Have I made myself clear? I'm pretty sure I'm being redundant now....but so long as I've drilled my point into the vastness that is the internet, then I think I'll settle down now.

My apologies if you feel you've wasted time reading this. But honestly, I do not expect anyone to ever read this...I just need a place to freely go on about anything I wish without people giving me strange looks (in person, anyway).

Here's to the weekend!

Also....WOW. MY INTERNET STOPPED WORKING...I am livid. Saving this on my computer as a Word document and posting laytuh.



Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Hallelujah...'s raining men, amen!"
-Weather Girls

Well, here I am again. Not back to post about my weekend visiting the BFF. But on much more serious matters. I am procrastinating. Yaaaaay. :|
Anyhow, I chose this lyric because I have a couple thoughts on the matter. Who thought it was a good idea to say this!? I mean, honestly, I would be horrified if men started falling from the sky. Plus, what good would an umbrella be?
So many things to go into this being taken seriously. But I heard it said once, that the right to be heard does not automatically come with the right to be taken seriously. Hahahahaha. I thought that was funny. And very applicable to my life.
I applied to be an RA for the next academic year. Woot. We'll see how that goes. My interview is this coming Saturday at 8am! Meaning I have to be there at 7:45....meaning I have to leave at 7:25ish...meaning I have to wake up at the ungodly hour of 6:25am.
Is it wrong to use the phrase "ungodly" as a regular, average adjective? Hm.
I need new pants. All of mine have distasteful holes in them. I suppose they are just well-loved. And old. And FALLING APART.
Also, I need to be paid. And I need a job. And I will be paid. And I have prospects for a job, so that's good. We'll see.
I don't really know why I'm rambling on and on, but there it goes....I'm tired. I'll do my homework tomorrow. Great. Glad that's settled, then.
