Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Hallelujah...'s raining men, amen!"
-Weather Girls

Well, here I am again. Not back to post about my weekend visiting the BFF. But on much more serious matters. I am procrastinating. Yaaaaay. :|
Anyhow, I chose this lyric because I have a couple thoughts on the matter. Who thought it was a good idea to say this!? I mean, honestly, I would be horrified if men started falling from the sky. Plus, what good would an umbrella be?
So many things to go into this being taken seriously. But I heard it said once, that the right to be heard does not automatically come with the right to be taken seriously. Hahahahaha. I thought that was funny. And very applicable to my life.
I applied to be an RA for the next academic year. Woot. We'll see how that goes. My interview is this coming Saturday at 8am! Meaning I have to be there at 7:45....meaning I have to leave at 7:25ish...meaning I have to wake up at the ungodly hour of 6:25am.
Is it wrong to use the phrase "ungodly" as a regular, average adjective? Hm.
I need new pants. All of mine have distasteful holes in them. I suppose they are just well-loved. And old. And FALLING APART.
Also, I need to be paid. And I need a job. And I will be paid. And I have prospects for a job, so that's good. We'll see.
I don't really know why I'm rambling on and on, but there it goes....I'm tired. I'll do my homework tomorrow. Great. Glad that's settled, then.


1 comment:

Stephanie C. said...

You slay me, my child.:)