Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Imma letchu...

...finish, but..." - Kanye West
I just have one quick thing to make a public declaration to the internet world of vast cyberspace as I am deep in thought during my homework time.
sorry...I got a slightly discomforted when I read this article:

lalalalala. I'm an article and I'm ridiculous! hehehe. ;)

take it in, people. Now, don't worry. I realize this is also slightly ironic since I am writing this online on a blog where I never see or interact with humans face to face. But you get the idea. hahahahaha.
And I'm not saying this is a horrible idea, I just don't think it should become a very large enterprise...for the love and sake of humanity. This was just my initial, blown out of proportion reaction. :)


"Sittin' on a fence post...

...chewin' some bubblegum." - Girl Scout song

So uh...it's May 25, 2010. Today, it was raining. The APRIL showers are supposed to bring the MAY flowers! Not more May showers! haha. Anyhow, this week is going to be jam-packed. I still have quite the load of homework to do and this upcoming three-day weekend shall be buzz-buuzz-BUUUSSSY! I have to march with my school band in the city parade. Then it's senior prom! Then I shall arrive at church on Sunday at 7am to sing for three baptismal services. And then one day to recuperate. But I'll probably end up hanging out with all my friends. haha. My mother is making my prom dress and I have found where I get my procrastinating skills. My MOTHER. *cough* ;)
Quite honestly, being a second semester senior in high school, I don't think I should have to worry about doing homework and such. But for some reason beyond my comprehension, I still have dumb little assignments that I must do. GAH. JUST LET ME GRAJEEATE ALREADY, JEEPERS! haha.
We finally convinced our physics teacher to give us a final project instead of a final TEST. What will it entail? We must build a Rube Goldberg device/machine that will dispense hand sanitizer into someone's hand. It requires six energy exchanges. I'm pretty excited about it, to be honest.
I had been wanting an open-faced clock for my room...and I never got one. But at a garage sale this weekend, I found one. But it was not working properly, as it had a limp hour-hand. :( So they let me have it for a dollar. And I still took it because I LOVE to fix things and I thought it might be salvageable...and if not, I figured I would still hang it up somewhere because it looks cool. :D
Anyhow, when I got home, I quickly resolved the issue of the hour-hand. A simple fix. :) Then I put a new battery in it and it's as good as new! WOOP! I've figured out where I want to put it; now it's just a matter of actually putting it up. haha.
Also, today I fixed our vacuum cleaner. :) The belt had broken, so my mother bought a new belt and I replaced it. Then I vacuumed. Because I also LOVE vacuuming! hehe. I want a Dyson sooo badly! And everyone thinks I am crazy for it. But really, it is SO EXTREMELY PRACTICAL! A Dyson is the best thing since peanut butter. (My Calculus teacher says that a lot. Not about the Dyson, but about peanut butter. "_________ is the best thing since peanut butter." In his Oklahoma accent. teehee.)
So needless to say, I feel very productive aside from my schooling. haha. I want to brush my teeth.
BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH. That's how I feel about schoolwork right not. GAH.
Phil Wickham is AWESHUM. Just sayin'. burblegurglejurgle. Okay, I guess I'll go now. :)


Monday, May 24, 2010

"And I'm finally free...

...in the Love of the Father." - Jimmy Needham
That is from what I like to call a poetic track off Jimmy Needham's album "Not Without Love." I've listened to it just about...four hundred twelve times now. HAHA. Kidding. Totally kidding. But really, I've listened to it a lot lately. Very encouraging, very truthful, very UMPH-y. If you catch my drift. ;)
ANYHOW, guess what! I'm on my blog! First time in...a shamefully long period of time. ha. It's my senior year, alright? SPEAKING OF WHICH...I'm graduating!! :D Can we all take a moment to happy dance? That would make me very happy. Mother, I know you're probably reading this...in which case pay no attention to the time stamp on this post. ;) But really, I felt the need to type something out right now and I couldn't sleep. :/
AP tests are finished! This year I was victimized by the following:
-AP Calculus
-AP Literature & Composition
-AP Physics
My favorite class this year was AP Physics. BY. FAR. The best teacher ever, the best classmates ever, the best projects ever, the best experience and learning environment for me to be in. I think I really would have retained a lot information had it been at a slower pace, though. That's okay, I still feel like I can walk away from that class and say I learned so much and loved just about every second of it! :) Let me just recap on two of the crazy ridiculous projects we have done this year. We had to build a trebuchet that could launch a golfball at least thirty yards. And just recently had to put out buoyancy knowledge to the test by building cardboard boats to cross the school pool and back. My motto all year has been: when physics fails, get creative. Meaning, when I don't really know what I'm doing, just make it look pretty. It's been fairly effective so far. ;)
I am so excited for this next chapter in my life. I can't even begin to explain to you how I just want to be done with high school! Yet, at the same time, I'll definitely miss all the faculty and friends I know at my school. Ugh. Mixed emotions...eh, I'll get over it. hehe.
I had to have one more semester's worth of physical education in order to graduate. RIDICULOUS, RIGHT?! I mean, I've played soccer and been a highly active individual all my life and what is about to hold me back from graduating high school? P.E. DUUUMB! :P Anyhow, I took one semester as an a-period class; it started at a painstaking 6:50am. HA! Then, with one semester to go and less than a semester left in school, I realized that I really needed to get on that. So I frantically searched for a class from the community college to enroll in. Luckily, I found a swing dancing class! Which was perfect, because I always wanted to learn how to swing dance. :) I got there on the first day, only to find that my name was not on the roster. Cue PANIC. Fiiiinally, I found an online class through the local community college that would count as an entire year's worth of credit! A sixteen-chapter book in nine weeks. YUP. I actually did it! I just finished tonight. The final was difficult. Five essay questions in one hour. Twelve minutes per question? NOT COOL. Plus, it was on all the chapters, so I had to rack my brain and whatnot. I didn't particularly care for the experience at all. But I'm pretty darn sure I passed the class, so that is QUITE A LOVELY THING. Now, instead of being held back and not walking at graduation, I'm graduating with EXTRA credits! haha. One semester of extra physical education. Whoo wudda thunk it?!
On another note, Prom is this coming weekend and my mother is making my dress. So far, she's cut out the pieces. It's on Saturday. Minor freak-out. ;)
There's currently a small piece of lint sitting on my comforter that looks like an adorable little tiny elephant. Yay. :)
I got a really cool open-face clock at a garage sale for one dollar. They thought it was broken, but I wanted it anyway. So when I got home, I fixed it. YUS. I love fixing things! It just makes me feel so handy and cool and whatnot. :P
WHOA. BREAKING NEWS. Today, I was in Costco and I happened to decide to wander into the book section. (If you don't already know, I STRONGLY DISLIKE READING. I LOVE books, the idea of them, the way they look, the way they feel, the entire concept of them; I just don't like to read.) While in the forbidden area of the store, I stumbled upon this particular book called, "The Lost City of Z." Intrigued, I picked it up and read the back. Now I REALLY want to read it! hahaha. I think I'm going to wait until the summer, though. It's a nonfiction book about a possibly fictional place. Crazy, right? It's about a man who goes to look for a fabled ancient city, Z. And he never comes back. :O CRAY CRAY!! I really want to read it. Right up my alley. So, I think I'm going to go to Borders and buy it! Oh my nola, I'm going to purchase a book! Holy cow! This one's for the books! :P
My room is clean. I really like it this way. Worship music really sets the mood in my room. I try not to play anything else. It's not that hard, though...worship music is music straight FROM the soul, TO the soul.
I'm glad I started writing on this thing. It really helped me get tired. hahaha. Mother, I apologize. Please don't be annoyed, but understand that I believe two things:
1. I am clairvoyant.
2. I have slight insomnia?
So...not entirely number two, but I AM a night owl! Goodnight, world. Rejoice and be glad in this day that comes from the Lord. :)
