Monday, December 20, 2010

"O, come let us...

...adore Him."

Wellll...I'm HOME AGAIN! Yay. But in more eventful news, my older sister graduated from COLLEGE on Saturday!! SO AMAZING. I am so proud of her. I just cannot believe it. AHHH, SO AWESOME. Anyhow, we decided to drive back from school at 5am in order to make it back in time for the last Christmas service at our church at 11:30am. We made it. HA.
Finals week for me was....reasonable. I just love my school...
And as odd as it sounds, I kind of wanted to stay at school with all my friends and just all stay there for a week and THEN go home. But alas, I must follow the ways of the world. Haha. Not really.
I can't think of much to say, except the fact that I would like to see my GPA and/or my grades for the semester. I would ALSO really like to go to sleep. Too bad I took a three-hour nap at four o'clock and then I ate some coffee ice cream. YAY ICE CREAM!
Aaaaaanyhow. I've been sitting here by myself watching recorded episodes of a television show I never really got "into" because all the episodes of my favorite television series have been deleted. :|
NOT. COOL. Hahaha.
Alrighty, well I'm going to head out now. Hopefully go brush my teeth and then really sleep. :)


Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Those Christmas lights...

...keep shining on."

Welllll, I have quite a bit to review. However, I would first like to observe the fact that one of my roommates and I are listening to this song right now (the aforementioned song) and we turned all the lights off except the Christmas lights in our room. Tehe. How fun. :)

Anyhow, Thursday, at about 11:45am, during class, a friend of mine turned around and asked what I was doing later that night. I didn't have any plans, so she asked me to go to the opera with her. THAT NIGHT. So...I said I could probably go. The entire night was just a beautiful thing. The entire event was just completely last-minute, yet so relaxed and enjoyable. Haha. I didn't know any of the details until right before I needed to...which is absolutely NOT how I normally operate. Haha. We borrowed our friend's 2009 Mustang (silver, leather interior and a button to control what color shines on your feet and in the cup holders--HA!). We drove into the city and looking all dressed up and whatnot, we just enjoyed the night. However, there is some comedic irony within this....she was told the opera started at 7:30pm, so we got there in plenty of time for that. However, as we approached the door, we realized that on the ticket it said 6:30pm. HAHAHAHA. We only missed the beginning of the first act, however. Lohengrin, it is called, and it is a three-act play. Just over FOUR HOURS. Ha! I had never been to an opera before, but I was more the pleasantly surprised with my first experience. I was just blown away by the endurance of the players and their voices were just absolutely incredible. I can't really put it into words. My friend had gotten the two tickets (orchestra seating) for free. Why? Because her voice teacher really wants her to be an opera singer and thought that if she went to an opera, she might give it more of a chance. Her teacher got the tickets for free because she knows someone involved in the opera, but she couldn't go, so she gave the tickets to my friend. Welp, it worked. Because after that she was definitely considering it. :) The whole night cost me a whopping $13. Which is NOT bad at ALL! For orchestra seats at an opera, gas for a Mustang and parking in an over-priced parking garage. Very worth it.
Then yesterday night (Friday), my roomie and I went and watched a movie in our guy friend's room. It was called "Repo Men," and beforehand, I was pretty sure it was rated R, so I took my computer just in case. OH MY GOODNESS. It was AWFUL. I literally had to leave the room because I thought I was going to throw up. So much blood. So much gore. So much of a boy movie. Hahahaha. Then we played foosbol. Then some people decided they were hungry at midnight and five of us walked to a nearby Mexican food place. I am reeaaaaally trying not to spend real money, because I have so many meals left and dining dollars. Ha. So I got nothing. Then we came back and hung out outside because we have a curfew for boys to be in girls' dorms and girls to be in boys' dorms. I turned in approximately 2:20am, and that's all I know of.
I think I finally finished my music project today...I'm not positive, though. It's pretty crazy how much you can do with equipment that's so easily accessible. It's pretty pretty amazing. Anyhow, I'm very satisfied with the instrumentation and not-so satisfied with my vocals. Because of COURSE I would have a bunch of phlegm and coughing issues when I really need to sing for a music project. Ha. Whatevs. I've put so much time into this, literally 24 hours, probably.
And here I sit, while I have two papers due tomorrow. One, being ten pages. The other, being two pages. shouldn't be so bad....*cough* I should probably go and start on the two-page paper. So....yeah. Alrighty, buh-bye! :D


p.s. my sister is graduating COLLEGE on SATURDAY! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!! O_O

Sunday, December 5, 2010

"More than words... show you how I feel."

It is far beyond words to describe how horrifying this is. HA! O_O

Well, you know how I skipped that class on Tuesday to write that huge paper and missed a quiz? On Thursday, after class, I went up to my professor and was fully willing and expecting to take a zero on the quiz because I missed class. But my professor told me that I need to take it, so I had to go into his office the next day. He asked me if I had class before 11am, and I don't have class on Fridays until 1pm. So he told me to come in at EIGHT O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. Ohhhhhh my. It was not pleasant. Haha. But then I was on my way back to my dorm when I ran into a fellow classmate of mine. A kind soul, he decided that we should sit and eat our breakfasts outside. It was lovely. :)
All the choirs are putting on this giant Christmas concert at a nearby church. I am SO privileged to be a part of this. I LOVE IT. I REALLY REALLY LOVE IT. There are only two performances and the first one was Friday night. Sooooo much fun. AGH. I just love making people happy and seeing the different expressions on people's faces when something happens that they don't expect. :) The next and last one is tomorrow (Sunday). Ahhhh...then DEAD WEEK. JOY.
Back to that huge Bible paper I had to write. I was supposed to have a meeting with my professor the day I turned it in (that's just when I happened to schedule it) so he could read it over and give me some feedback. Everyone has to do this. My appointment was scheduled one time increment directly after my friend's appointment. My neighbor received a text message that morning that her appointment was cancelled. Then, I asked my friend when her appointment was so I could double check the time of mine...she said that the meetings were cancelled that day, so I just figured I didn't get the text message for some reason. Then, my neighbor asked me one night if I got the email to reschedule the meetings that were cancelled. I had not received this email. At this point, I just thought my professor wanted me to fail, exemplifying such poor communication skills with me. Haha. So I sent a secret-sass email to him explaining that I never received an email about the cancellations OR the re-schedulings. He replied simply, "Actually, yours wasn't cancelled.....etc., etc..." I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped. I FELT AWFUL. There I was being all secretly sassy and whatnot, and I'M the one at fault. So I rescheduled for today (Saturday) at 4pm. I left at about 3:35 to walk over to the other campus. I got there just about ten minutes early, and then just kind of chilled on the empty campus and soaked up the beauty of the hour and time of day, and whatnot. It was beautiful.
Then I finally got my appointment (subtopic: my friend completely forgot about her rescheduled appointment, missed it, and had to rush over to the meeting slot right before mine because the scheduled person did not show up. How ironic. Hahahaha!) and expressed my apologies again, but he seemed very merciful and gracious. :)
I feel that I had a lot more to say, but this shall suffice for now. Alrighty, my eyes are gettin--

--wait, I remember now. For my final project in one of my music classes, I'm recreating a song that's already done, and it's kind of exciting to hear it! All I'm doing is listening to the instrumental version of the song pretty much 990823657615928350883746582 times and choosing one instrument to focus in on to master and then figure out on a small keyboard and then play into my computer using MIDI keyboard and then choosing the instruments, etc. It's fun, but it's a process. Today, the keyboard, organ and drums are all done. Tomorrow comes the actual hard stuff. Haha.

Alright, for real this time. My eyes are quite heavy...I guess the Sand Man has paid me a visit! ;)

(aaaaand of COURSE it would be past 3:00am. Hahahaha.)