Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Those Christmas lights...

...keep shining on."

Welllll, I have quite a bit to review. However, I would first like to observe the fact that one of my roommates and I are listening to this song right now (the aforementioned song) and we turned all the lights off except the Christmas lights in our room. Tehe. How fun. :)

Anyhow, Thursday, at about 11:45am, during class, a friend of mine turned around and asked what I was doing later that night. I didn't have any plans, so she asked me to go to the opera with her. THAT NIGHT. So...I said I could probably go. The entire night was just a beautiful thing. The entire event was just completely last-minute, yet so relaxed and enjoyable. Haha. I didn't know any of the details until right before I needed to...which is absolutely NOT how I normally operate. Haha. We borrowed our friend's 2009 Mustang (silver, leather interior and a button to control what color shines on your feet and in the cup holders--HA!). We drove into the city and looking all dressed up and whatnot, we just enjoyed the night. However, there is some comedic irony within this....she was told the opera started at 7:30pm, so we got there in plenty of time for that. However, as we approached the door, we realized that on the ticket it said 6:30pm. HAHAHAHA. We only missed the beginning of the first act, however. Lohengrin, it is called, and it is a three-act play. Just over FOUR HOURS. Ha! I had never been to an opera before, but I was more the pleasantly surprised with my first experience. I was just blown away by the endurance of the players and their voices were just absolutely incredible. I can't really put it into words. My friend had gotten the two tickets (orchestra seating) for free. Why? Because her voice teacher really wants her to be an opera singer and thought that if she went to an opera, she might give it more of a chance. Her teacher got the tickets for free because she knows someone involved in the opera, but she couldn't go, so she gave the tickets to my friend. Welp, it worked. Because after that she was definitely considering it. :) The whole night cost me a whopping $13. Which is NOT bad at ALL! For orchestra seats at an opera, gas for a Mustang and parking in an over-priced parking garage. Very worth it.
Then yesterday night (Friday), my roomie and I went and watched a movie in our guy friend's room. It was called "Repo Men," and beforehand, I was pretty sure it was rated R, so I took my computer just in case. OH MY GOODNESS. It was AWFUL. I literally had to leave the room because I thought I was going to throw up. So much blood. So much gore. So much of a boy movie. Hahahaha. Then we played foosbol. Then some people decided they were hungry at midnight and five of us walked to a nearby Mexican food place. I am reeaaaaally trying not to spend real money, because I have so many meals left and dining dollars. Ha. So I got nothing. Then we came back and hung out outside because we have a curfew for boys to be in girls' dorms and girls to be in boys' dorms. I turned in approximately 2:20am, and that's all I know of.
I think I finally finished my music project today...I'm not positive, though. It's pretty crazy how much you can do with equipment that's so easily accessible. It's pretty pretty amazing. Anyhow, I'm very satisfied with the instrumentation and not-so satisfied with my vocals. Because of COURSE I would have a bunch of phlegm and coughing issues when I really need to sing for a music project. Ha. Whatevs. I've put so much time into this, literally 24 hours, probably.
And here I sit, while I have two papers due tomorrow. One, being ten pages. The other, being two pages. shouldn't be so bad....*cough* I should probably go and start on the two-page paper. So....yeah. Alrighty, buh-bye! :D


p.s. my sister is graduating COLLEGE on SATURDAY! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!! O_O

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