Monday, June 13, 2011

"I'll wear that dress...

...if you wear the tie."
-Charlene Kaye feat. Darren Criss

Well, I've been home for the summer since about May 19th. This is good and bad. Good because I finally got to have time to myself to relax and do nothing. Bad because I am in desperate need of a job and no one seems to want me to work for them. HA. :(
I'm a hard worker, I promise! Even the jobs I've applied for at school are not looking promising. AKHJDFBCKAHBSG. Frustrating.
On the bright side, I've been visited by two dear friends from school within a week of each other! I love having people visit. Makes me happy.
Another downer, though, would be that this summer is the summer almost every person I care deeply for decided to leave me hangin' in the dust; jobless. My sister is staying around the school area working, two of my best friends are participating in "Summer Project" for Campus Crusade this summer, another of my friends is working at a summer camp and I honestly just feel bored. I can feel it in the pit of my being. Most of all, I wish my sister were here. IT IS RIDICULOUS. My first summer EVER without her. And it's proven to be quite the uncool kind.
I've been playing Star Wars video games, watching crime shows, cleaning the house over and over again, and eating food. That's pretty much it. I went to a couple graduation parties this weekend for friends of mine who have just graduated high school. That was cool, I suppose, but really nothing SUPER has happened.
Also a plus, is that I've home-recorded four new songs that I've written by myself. So that was productive, I suppose. Haha.
And one of my friends is going to come over on Thursday so we can record using his better equipment. Haha. I keep trying to make new cover videos for youtube, but I don't have a keyboard and I feel the upright just drowns out my voice. Also, even IF I had a guitar, I am not capable of playing it well enough to accompany myself. So that's also a bit of a doozy.
And I feel I cannot write new music because I can't do it when people are around. And since I don't have my keyboard, I must use the real piano. And where is the real piano? RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HOUSE. Literally, in the place where, acoustically, it can reach every room of the house. This wouldn't really be a problem if I were ever home by myself. But I'm not because I have a spunky little sister who keeps me company throughout the day. Haha.
So now that I've wallowed in self-pity and expressed how I feel about this summer so far, I think I'll go take my dog for a walk. Depending on how warm it is outside. Hahaha.


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