Saturday, January 28, 2012

"I find a fatal flaw... the logic of love."
-The Shins

Wellll, it's been a great weekend. I semi-spontaneously took a trip up about four hours to go visit my best friend at her university! It was absolutely wonderful. I left yesterday afternoon around 4:30pm, traffic was horrific and I got a little carsick, but I arrived safely around 9pm (it usually takes about three hours).
So I met her roommates, then we she decided that we take part in one of our most FAVORITE pastimes--stargazing! She knows of a place up on a hill, through a sketchy little gravel road, about three quarters of a mile out from where she lives. So she, one of her roommates, a male friend and myself all headed out to find this ideal place.
We made it! She and her roommate were freaking out about possibly being in a horror film. I remained sane.
Winds were projected to be up to forty miles per hour that night, so once we reached the top of the hill, not only was it late (11:30ish?) but it was also FREEZING. The wind was so strong, we could lean forward and be fully supported by the strength in the wind. CRAY CRAY.
So we stayed and hung out there for a while, watching the stars, telling stories, catching a few beautiful shooting stars, etc. Then we saw a laser pointer coming from atop another hill. People freaked out as they saw fit. Haha.
After we had been satisfied and chilled to our hearts' content, we made the trek back to the apartment. And apparently, there's a 24-hour donut company that's a hoppin', hip place to be in this town, so I was taken there.
It was great. I don't like donuts until I crave one, and BOY was I craving one!! 98 cents was my total for a chocolate old fashioned donut (per recommendation from man behind counter). I realize I often do that. When I don't have a strong preference, I generally ask the person serving me what their favorite item is and decide to go with that one. Haha.
So my donut was great! We sat at a little peninsula in the back corner where they had games. I revived my childhood passion for the game Mancala, and we also played Speed. Our male friend also charmed us with several great card/magic tricks!
As we were leaving (circa 2:45am), two men our age approached us. One carrying a box of donut holes, the other just an apparent wingman.
Men: "Anyone want a donut hole?"
Others: "Sure."
Me: "Are they very good? I've never had one..."
Man #1 (not holding the box): "You've never had one? Aw, yeah, you have to try one! They're pretty good."
Me: "Really? Okay, sure...I'll try one."
Man #1 (to Man#2): "Alright, she wants one!"

Next, I can't remember how this progressed, but it came down to this...
Man #2: "I'll tell you what...[looks in wallet] I'll give you a dollar for every one over fi--for every donut over four you can fit in your mouth."
Here are my thoughts in this moment...I LOVE a challenge. Especially one that is just for fun! So the money is completely superfluous, but appreciated.
Me: "Sure!"
Man #1 sits down on a nearby stool to get a good view. Man #2 holds the box open for me in front of my face. The rest of my company looks on, not very surprised by my actions.
I started with one...smushed it in against my cheek and my lower teeth. As I progressed and Man #2 seemed slightly uneasy at the ease at which I was dominating comments, "Well, I only have like five dollars, so..."
I stuffed seven donuts in my mouth. I made $3. And two random strangers very happily amused. And three of my friends just happy.
It's the little things in life that are just the best. My life is better than any scripted movie. Literally. God is so good to me. And I am so thankful.
Maybe I'll post about the activities of today, tomorrow. Until next time.


1 comment:

Stephanie C. said...

I absolutely LOVE reading your take on your life.