Sunday, December 7, 2008

"Later on, we'll conspire...

as we dream, by the fire."
-Unkown (to me)

Tonight was what we call our Winter Ball at my school. I got asked by a friend of mine and I decided it couldn't hurt! So I went with him, and it experience. Here are the reasons I would care sharing with you...BECAUSE sharing IS caring!
a) it was my first time going to a dance with a designated person to go with
b) I don't like the repulsive "dancing" people do nowadays that's really just a bunch of disgusting and utterly repulsive suggestive jerking and swaying movements that does not appeal to me ONE bit
c) I can't really dance...not because I physically can't, but because I don't like people to judge me or think that they should have the nerve to come up to me and start convulsing
d) none of my really really truly close friends went this year for reasons beyond my comprehension
e) I was tired and I actually wanted to sit and read a book by the fireplace
f) because I didn't want to participate in any of the so-called "dancing," it was slightly awkward when I was jsut standing there...I would try to explain it, but there aren't really any words for me to use that would make it sound just right...everything would make it sound worse than it actually was
g) no matter how many school functions or dances I go to, I will NEVER cease to be baffled about how the faculty members say they're "going to crack down on the inappropriate dancing," and yet, never do; leaving me in an uncomfortable situation and under a lot of peer pressure that I've put up with for much too long now.

UGH. So I guess it really wasn't that bad...those are all just the negative things. On the bright side, they had two chocolate fountains and a whole bunch of delicious strawberries and marshmallows, cookies, brownies, etc. And I got to bond with a dear friend of mine (well, she's "dear" now...). Her name is Tabea, prnounced "tub-ee-uh". But I just call her Tib most of the time.
Anyway, she's a foreign exchange student from Germany and she's leaving in early January... :(
I really do enjoy her company. She's really fun. Somehow, my school ALWAYS has exchange students...I can't think of a year when we haven't had one, if not more.

Alright. Confession time. I hate to read. No, I absolutely loathe reading. But I saw the movie Twilight (twice!) and my friends finally convinced me to at least TRY to read the books. So I borrowed the first book from one of my friends and I just started it last night and I'm already on page 136!!! THAT IS SO EXCITING. AND an accomplishment! Really, though. If you don't know me, then you don't quite understand the amount of nagging it takes to get me to read even my assignments. So this is big news. And I concur, the book is MUCH better than the movie. So much more happens in the book that could not possibly fit into a movie without an intermission or something.

Also, I would like to add that I LOVE the Christmas season.
It makes me happy.



Stephanie C. said...

Love the way your express yourself. So "you".

Hannah said... did you just sit around? what did your poor date do the whole time?