Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
"I love You...
-Marty Sampson
So, uhm...I know I'm late on this but, how about that World up final?! Hahahaha. It was alright...I thought it could've been better and more intense. I mean, nothing really exciting happened in the first half. Boo Salim. Ha! Anyhow, congratulations to Spain for taking home the first EVER World Cup Title!! ¡VIVA ESPAÑA! Hahahaha.
Also, I have searched high and low, near and far, and yet cannot find my
camera connector cord thing to my computer. This is very troubling news, as I have probably 400+ pictures on my camera that have yet to be put on my computer. I haven't uploaded pictures since the second week of JUNE. HOLY MANILOW. Haha. So to improvise using my problem-solving skills, I decided to put my memory card in my sister's camera and use her cord to upload them to my computer. Success! :D
And also today, my family and I got very involved in playing Wii Sports Resort. Like...we were acting like we were playing real sports that would affect our future lives. At least some of the crazy people in my house were...not*cough* hahahaha. But I think I'm really starting to develop some sort of strain in my shoulder/arm from swinging around so much in order to defeat my opponents in table tennis. Hm. hehe. :) My father straight up looks like he's fighting someone when he plays table tennis. He takes swift, powerfu
l strikes and approaches the television screen. We've had to establish a "danger zone." Yuuuup.
Aaaaand lastly, here's just a little something that makes me smile...I hope it can do the same for you. The inquisitive, yet cautious minds of children. :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
"Happy birthday...
-random human being
So it was my youngest sister, Grace's, birthday today. She turned another double-digit number. Haha. And whilst we were all merrily discussing age and whatnot, she spouted out, "You're gonna be OLD, Mom! That's one of the the range for life insurance!!" BAHAHAHAHA. Ohhhh my. I thought it was slightly hilarious. Also, Spain v. Netherlands?! WOOO! I'M PUMPED. And the Germany v. Uruguay game should be fantastic as well! :D
At this point, I'm not rooting for any particular team, but a great game. I just want it to be super even and intense. I'm EGGSHITED. ;)
Um...I feel like there were many things that have happened which I thought were blog-worthy at the time, but never had the opportunity to come to the computer. haha.
Anyhow, my little sister had been begging and plea
ding for a Wii and our parents would politely decline. Haha. So guess what...they got her one! PSHAW! WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO?! hahaha. I'm kidding...sort of.
Alright, I'm tired and we just set up the Wii, so I have a feeling we'll be up even later enjoying this fun deal!

^Amsterdam. Let's go there, please.
peace, love and prosperity. :)
Friday, July 2, 2010
"Olé, Olé, Olé...
....Braasiiiil (is no more)!"

Well, I can't say that I didn't call it....meaning I called it. Haha! For the most recent FIFA World Cup match, Brasil v. Netherlands, there was yet another upset in the defeat of the Brazilian team! Bwahahaha. Really, though...when predicting who would win the match, I thought that it was more likely and believed that Brasil would win, but I figured that since this World Cup has been full of upsets thus far, why not one more! And boy, oh boy...I was right!
To the Dutch: well played. I appreciated your game and you all played really well!
To Brasil: you're kinda sorta sore losers...well, some of you are, anyhow. I
mean, really Felipe?! You're losing so you're just going to stomp on Boulahrouz?! Yes, that's definitely the way to settle your frustration. And go ahead and get yourself a red card. That was classy...ha! And as the captain of the team, you should be able to keep your composure, remain calm and serve as an encourager when your team is losing, not as an outburst of anger taken out on the other team! PSH.
To the Referees: I appreciated your officiating this match. I thought it was a pretty fair game. (That also goes to the teams & players who played. Aside from the obvious, good job not playing dirty.)
On another note, that bumps my prediction of the championship game being Brasil v. Argentina. I still have one shot, though! I wouldn't mind a NED v. ARG championship. Anything, at this point will be interesting...but I'm kind of rooting for the Dutch now!
Aaaand the Uruguay v. Ghana game is juuust about to start! WOOP! Should be good. :)
And one last random thing to say...

they have shake weights for MEN?! BAHAHAHAHA!
Anyhow, I'm going to tune in and pay attention to the game now. I DON'T WANNA MISS A THAY-YAANG! ;)
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