Friday, October 31, 2008

"It's too late...

to apoligize..."
So I just now figured out how to play that song on the piano and I don't know why it took me so long to figure out how much I love it!
I'm at my friend Allyse's house and she is making me a's a spinach artichoke and chicken leanpocket to be exact...
And there you have it. We had a minimum day at school today which is quite a good thing considering our costumes were friggin AMAHHZING! I'll upload some pictures to show you all later.
It's approximately one thirty in the afternoon and we should probably get over to the house where we are throwing the party...hmmmm...nah. We'll get there eventually...the band arrives at four thirty and hopefully I can take Grace trick-or-treating sometime between five and six thrity...that is the goal.
So Allyse brings up a good point that she feels like "the realization that the party is today hasn't hit me yet..." Then she asked me how I felt about that and I said, "Well, if it has hit me, it hasn't fazde me." I'm guessing I won't start the spazz out process until absolutely nothing is in order at three thirty. oh. dear.
That'll be interesting...
WOOHOO for drug-free raves!
ever been to one?
well, I threw one at band camp.
and yes, I've been to band camp.
so if you're going to crack any mental jokes, do it now or forever hold your peace. I've never even seen that movie, and I really probably never will...or have that will to want to. If that makes any sense...
OH! Allyse just sat down next to me and I can smell her leanpocket so I'm going to go and eat mine.
ciao bella!
I'll let you all know how the party goes!!
(and by the way, in case you haven't gathered by now...I did half of the English project, and I was supposed to copy the other half from a classmate of we split it. However, I chickened out and I didn't want to steal her work and so I only turned in half of it. [these brackets are parintheses inside parintheses...just to let you know...and I just wanted to let you know how my decisions ended up.])
and I'm a dork...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

"A little bit longer...

and I'll be fine..."
-Nicholas Jerry Jonas

I was just thinking that for a sixteen-year-old boy, Nicholas Jonas is very wise beyond his years.
And I will say that this advice, is some of the best out there. ------->
It really brings up my day, somewhat.
Thanks, Nick Jonas, you just brightened my day a little more!

Well, there's good news and bad news...

The good news is that I remembered the password to this account!
major accomplishment.
The bad news is that I've yet to read that book...and I switched that'll be interesting.
Just an overview of my day:
My math midterm was surprisingly REALLY easy!  I twas multiple choice and al we had to do was justify our answers!  I was the first to finish in less than thirty minutes.
another MAJOR accomplishment.
So, now I'm thinking I either did really well, or think I did really well and actually just did it all wrong; which wouldn't surprise me because the latter has happened before. Also in a math class.
In Spanish we had a substitute!  Which is pretty cool, because I'm fairly certain that my teacher should be in an insane asylum...the downer in that class was that we had to write an essay.
History was actually fun, and as for English...well, I always seem to doze off in that class because it's right after lunch, and it's warm and we're always reading AND we turn the lights off for powerpoints and whatnot.
Chemistry...well, again, that would be another teacher that belongs in the insane asylum.  Don't get me wrong, I think they are nice people, but good teachers? no.
Then after school I went to my friends house, watched Zac Efron on Ellen (I LOVE that show!) and then was pleasantly surprised when Nick Jonas joined the set as well.  Then we went to my other friend's house and we chilled there for a while while waiting to go get stuff for our Halloween costumes.  
NOTE: Recall from an earlier post, I did say I am the worst procrastinator out there...
Then, we pranced around town searching for the right material for the specific costume, and then we were still out on our search when my mother called and then wanted me to be home, and then she got all fussy.
For Halloween, three of my friends andI are going to be big huge puzzle pieces that fit together, and when all four of us are together it will read, "Trick or treat!"
Now I'm home and obviously online further procrastinating my English homework that is due tomorrow.

I probably won't write tomorrow considering that will DEFINITELY be a full fun-filled day! (I say that truthfully and sarcastically.)
On the bright side, it IS a minimum day tomorrow, meaning our release time is 12:15...but I have to go straight to my friend's house and start setting up for the huge party we're throwing, and get ready for the live band to come...then I'll try and take Grace trick-or-treating, if I have time, and then return to the party that I'm helping throw...probably late.
Even though, I'm a person who MUST BE ON TIME, if I can help it.  I have a paranoia of being late.  Anybody know that actual term for that?
late-o-phobia.  That's right. I made it up. 

Okay, I'd better get going on this English business...
Thanks for reading!

peace out.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Also another thing you should know about me is that I am a MAJOR procrastinator.  I'm going to use a cliché, and say that "when you look up 'procrastinator' in the dictionary, there s a picture of me next to it!"...haha.  But really.  For example, I mentioned earlier that I have a Pre-Calculus HP midterm tomorrow. yea.  That's all I've done with that. Al I've done is said that I have a Pre-Calculus HP midterm tomorrow.  Also, I have a dialectical journal for AP English in which I am required to read a book and take twenty quotations from throughout the book and give my personal feedback, and analysis on each quote.  Do you think I've even finished the book yet?  I'm going to be 'Family Feud' right now and say, "Good answer! Good answer!" even if your answer was lame and you said I have finished the book when I obviously set you up to answer "no."  Well, the truth is, I haven't.  And that's due on the thirty-first.  great.  Well, I have a feeling that this blog is going to become a good excuse for avoiding homework.  If I could give one piece of advice to my younger sister, Grace, it would be to NEVER procrastinate.  And, of course, she would just nonchalantly reply, "I know." these days...
I remember when Barney was the cool show and I had a glow-in-the-dark Tweety, I miss those days.  Especially because I used to stand in front of the sliding glass window for what felt like ten minutes and then run into the bathroom with all the lights out to stare at my shirt for endless hours of self-entertainment.  Well, I'm sure my mother was happy about that, anyway.  She got to watch her soap operas...oh boy...I used to sneak out of my room and watch them from behind a couch.  And now I just laugh at them.
Okay, so considering it is very late, to be starting homework, I should probably start sooner than later...sooner meaning now.
So, this is Summer City, signing off for the night!

Here's the kickoff...

Hello to anybody who is actually taking time out of their day to read this!
I created this blog because my older sister told me she would enjoy reading my writing...and I'm not one who usually likes to do this sort of thing.  I once started a blog similar to this one a couple years ago, but I'm pretty sure I forgot my password within five minutes of creating the thing...HA!  I'm a very forgetful person, so don't expect too much from this; like I said, it's mainly for the amusement of my older sister, who I will refer to as Danielle.  I also have a younger sister, who I will refer to as Grace.  And, yes, I am the middle child.
**shout out to all middle children in the world!**
It's tough being the middle child, but it's even tougher to try and follow a smart and older child.  It is my dream and my goal to become a successful and professional actress/singer/songwriter.  (try and tell me I won't make it, and get virtually poked in the eye.)
I'll try to keep "you" updated with the way my school days go, and who rubs me the wrong way...or in better cases, how wonderful my day was!
to start things off, I have a Pre-calculus HP midterm tomorrow, and Halloween is the following day.  I definitely do not think that Halloween is a Holiday, I think it's just a day.  I believe the term "holiday" should be reserved for special occasions that actually have sentimental, emotional or historical meaning to them.  Sure, Halloween is really fun, but I would disagree with anyone who calls it a "holiday."  However, even though I may not agree that Halloween counts as a holiday, my friends and I will be throwing a party!
And no.  There will most certainly NOT be drugs or alcohol involved.  I am a real straight edge teenager, and I would choose board games over getting drunk, or whatever it is my generation calls "having fun" ANY day.
Just to get to know me a little better, I don't swear, and I think correct grammar is a must.  But if I ever slip up, here's a little disclaimer for future reference...
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes."
-Walt Whitman

Alright, that about covers what I have the attention span I have to type in one sitting.
I'll catcha on the flip side!

peace out.