Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Also another thing you should know about me is that I am a MAJOR procrastinator.  I'm going to use a cliché, and say that "when you look up 'procrastinator' in the dictionary, there s a picture of me next to it!"...haha.  But really.  For example, I mentioned earlier that I have a Pre-Calculus HP midterm tomorrow. yea.  That's all I've done with that. Al I've done is said that I have a Pre-Calculus HP midterm tomorrow.  Also, I have a dialectical journal for AP English in which I am required to read a book and take twenty quotations from throughout the book and give my personal feedback, and analysis on each quote.  Do you think I've even finished the book yet?  I'm going to be 'Family Feud' right now and say, "Good answer! Good answer!" even if your answer was lame and you said I have finished the book when I obviously set you up to answer "no."  Well, the truth is, I haven't.  And that's due on the thirty-first.  great.  Well, I have a feeling that this blog is going to become a good excuse for avoiding homework.  If I could give one piece of advice to my younger sister, Grace, it would be to NEVER procrastinate.  And, of course, she would just nonchalantly reply, "I know." these days...
I remember when Barney was the cool show and I had a glow-in-the-dark Tweety, I miss those days.  Especially because I used to stand in front of the sliding glass window for what felt like ten minutes and then run into the bathroom with all the lights out to stare at my shirt for endless hours of self-entertainment.  Well, I'm sure my mother was happy about that, anyway.  She got to watch her soap operas...oh boy...I used to sneak out of my room and watch them from behind a couch.  And now I just laugh at them.
Okay, so considering it is very late, to be starting homework, I should probably start sooner than later...sooner meaning now.
So, this is Summer City, signing off for the night!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

short and sweet is what i aim for. and talk about procrastination! i have stuff for tomorrow too and i'm just getting started...