Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Here's the kickoff...

Hello to anybody who is actually taking time out of their day to read this!
I created this blog because my older sister told me she would enjoy reading my writing...and I'm not one who usually likes to do this sort of thing.  I once started a blog similar to this one a couple years ago, but I'm pretty sure I forgot my password within five minutes of creating the thing...HA!  I'm a very forgetful person, so don't expect too much from this; like I said, it's mainly for the amusement of my older sister, who I will refer to as Danielle.  I also have a younger sister, who I will refer to as Grace.  And, yes, I am the middle child.
**shout out to all middle children in the world!**
It's tough being the middle child, but it's even tougher to try and follow a smart and older child.  It is my dream and my goal to become a successful and professional actress/singer/songwriter.  (try and tell me I won't make it, and get virtually poked in the eye.)
I'll try to keep "you" updated with the way my school days go, and who rubs me the wrong way...or in better cases, how wonderful my day was!
to start things off, I have a Pre-calculus HP midterm tomorrow, and Halloween is the following day.  I definitely do not think that Halloween is a Holiday, I think it's just a day.  I believe the term "holiday" should be reserved for special occasions that actually have sentimental, emotional or historical meaning to them.  Sure, Halloween is really fun, but I would disagree with anyone who calls it a "holiday."  However, even though I may not agree that Halloween counts as a holiday, my friends and I will be throwing a party!
And no.  There will most certainly NOT be drugs or alcohol involved.  I am a real straight edge teenager, and I would choose board games over getting drunk, or whatever it is my generation calls "having fun" ANY day.
Just to get to know me a little better, I don't swear, and I think correct grammar is a must.  But if I ever slip up, here's a little disclaimer for future reference...
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes."
-Walt Whitman

Alright, that about covers what I have the attention span I have to type in one sitting.
I'll catcha on the flip side!

peace out.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

nice blog, lady.

makes me smile =]

check out mine!