Friday, October 31, 2008

"It's too late...

to apoligize..."
So I just now figured out how to play that song on the piano and I don't know why it took me so long to figure out how much I love it!
I'm at my friend Allyse's house and she is making me a's a spinach artichoke and chicken leanpocket to be exact...
And there you have it. We had a minimum day at school today which is quite a good thing considering our costumes were friggin AMAHHZING! I'll upload some pictures to show you all later.
It's approximately one thirty in the afternoon and we should probably get over to the house where we are throwing the party...hmmmm...nah. We'll get there eventually...the band arrives at four thirty and hopefully I can take Grace trick-or-treating sometime between five and six thrity...that is the goal.
So Allyse brings up a good point that she feels like "the realization that the party is today hasn't hit me yet..." Then she asked me how I felt about that and I said, "Well, if it has hit me, it hasn't fazde me." I'm guessing I won't start the spazz out process until absolutely nothing is in order at three thirty. oh. dear.
That'll be interesting...
WOOHOO for drug-free raves!
ever been to one?
well, I threw one at band camp.
and yes, I've been to band camp.
so if you're going to crack any mental jokes, do it now or forever hold your peace. I've never even seen that movie, and I really probably never will...or have that will to want to. If that makes any sense...
OH! Allyse just sat down next to me and I can smell her leanpocket so I'm going to go and eat mine.
ciao bella!
I'll let you all know how the party goes!!
(and by the way, in case you haven't gathered by now...I did half of the English project, and I was supposed to copy the other half from a classmate of we split it. However, I chickened out and I didn't want to steal her work and so I only turned in half of it. [these brackets are parintheses inside parintheses...just to let you know...and I just wanted to let you know how my decisions ended up.])
and I'm a dork...

1 comment:

Hannah said...

umm...i don't know what that is from. i want to say the incredibles? and what? you just decided to copy MY idea of every blog entry being lyrics from a song?