Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Chillin' in the summertime...

...not a cloud in the sky."
-Jonas Brothers

Hahaha. So...as dumb and juvenile as that sounds, I REALLY love this song from their television soundtrack "Jonas L.A."! I just think it is so much fun and such a feel-good song. :D
My summer keeps improving as the end draws nigh. Go figure. Ha! And three of some of my best friends are off to college tomorrow! :(
One is going out-of-state, to a very far away land...one is going to a nearby major city's state college, and the other is going somewhere I've only ever been for soccer tournaments. And I didn't like it there very much. Haha.
Then my sister is leaving to go to school on Monday...then I'M leaving on the following Saturday night! AHH!
My sister and I both have birthdays in the month of August and we're both departing in the month of August as well, so we decided to combine four parties into one. Birthday/going away parties for both of us in the same day. BOY, was it a party! It started at one in the afternoon, and I didn't get in bed until circa 4:30 am. Hahahaha. But, that's a typical summer night for me. Staying up extreeeeemely late. I don't know how it's phys
ically possible for me to do that, but somehow I manage.
Two of my friends gave me one of the most creative things I've ever received. But before I tell you what that is, I must explain to you that...I LOVE STAR WARS. Get it? Got it? GOOD. Yes, I love Star Wars very much. Greatness. Anyway, they walk in with a cardboard box and tell me to open it...and what's inside?


Anyway, I loved them SO MUCH that I didn't allow anyone to eat them. I didn't know what I wanted to do with them other than petrify them and save them forever. So, it was really dumb of me to not let anyone eat them because now I have quite a few cupcakes left that I have to eat. Normally, this would not be an issue, but we have no milk in the house. Therefore, this causes issues. Haha.
Well...I don't really know what else to say...so have a lovely day! :)


1 comment:

Stephanie C. said...

I hope you keep this up when you're gone; I love getting glimpses into your mind.