Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"This could be the start...

...of something new."
-High School Musical Cast

So, as much as I HATE quoting High School Musical, I really could not think of anything else that was clever or that had to do with new beginnings. Haha. Buuuut...Saturday night, we drove halfway to my college, then Sunday morning we finished driving down. I'm in the women's choir at my school, so I have to be here a week early for choir camp and whatnot. So we performed a song for the parents and all that jazz. But mine are coming again this weekend for orientation. It's been fun, sort of. I've never sung so much in one day in my entire life. It's kind of crazy. And I'm so busy, I don't even have time to go back to my dorm after the meals. Ahhhh...and I'm thinking this whole "friends" thing is going to take time. I feel this is always the case with me, though. :/
I'm really missing my people more than I thought I would! I mean, I've been away from home waaaay longer than this before, but I think it's just the knowledge that I won't see them for a long time that makes me a little sad. :(
It's weird...I want to talk on the phone to people I never would have thought I would want to talk on the phone with before (because I hate phone conversations and I feel I'm an awkward phone-talker). I don't know...and I'm really missing my guy friends, too. Because they're GREAT. I love them! And I feel like, as for now, all these guys are pretty much superficial just trying to get to know girls for fun. I JUST WANT GOOD FRIENDS. GIRLS AND BOYS. Is that too much to ask?
But I'm thinking that once my classes start up, I'll get to know all the actual cool people. :P Especially since I'll be wearing a Chewie t-shirt...pretty excited about that. Hehe.
Anyway, I'm really tired. Tonight, was a very uncharacteristic night for me. I decided to come back to my dorm at like...nine o'clock because I was just tired of being with people who aren't my best friends. Ha. I just wanted to watch a movie, and so I watched "Mulan" with my awesome roommate (yes, we sang along!) and I'm so tired. Breakfast starts at eight tomorrow. Woop. :|
I really want a good night's sleep and just to feel like I fit riiiight in. But I know that's not just going to happen overnight...although it seems like it has for most people. Haha.
Mom, if you're reading this, don't freak out. :) I'm fine, and ready for bed and tomorrow is a new day. I don't know the end of my story.
Alrighty, I'm out.


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