Thursday, August 19, 2010

"It's been six months, eight days,...

...twelve hours since you went away."
-3 of Hearts

I had to bid adieu to three of some of my best friends yesterday. So another friend and I decided to have a sleepover and wake up in the morning and do things. Bad. Idea. We did not go to sleep until 3:20, then we woke up at 5:20 because we wanted to make cinnamon rolls for one of our friends leaving at sic o'clock. So we made the cinnamon rolls, quickly ran by a local coffee shop and purchased a hot chocolate and surprised our friend in the morning with aforementioned items. Needless to say, it was a sweet goodbye. ;)
We got back to my friend's house probably around 6:20 and had talked about wanting to make brownies for another friend that lives nearby because we haven't hung out with them ALL SUMMER. And that makes us sad. Haha. So we popped in the brownies around 7:00am after mixing them and whatnot. And then we decided we wanted to watch Moulin Rouge. So my friend finally found it and we started watching it on the computer on a couch. I fell asleep faster than I thought I ever could. Woke up when the brownies were done and various times between...then finally GOT up at 9:30am. For a grand total of about 3.6 hours of actual sleep. We were supposed to go to another friend's house and eat breakfast because they also left yesterday, so we started getting ready for that. My friend went and picked peaches from the backyard and flowers and all that jazz to take. I cut the brownies and put them on a plate, then started peeling peaches. WHICH, by the way...I had my first peach in LIFE from their backyard the other day. It was deeeeelectable. Okay, so I'm peeling the peaches, etc. So everything is pretty much taken care of circa 10:20am. We drove over to the brownie-house and left a note saying how much we miss said friend. Then found out that the little bouquets--

WOOOOOOW. A friend of mine just dropped by to borrow my iPod and so I was going over to the door to give it to them. My dog was laying in the walkway, so I attempted to step over him. Apparently, he's a lot taller than I thought, so m foot clipped his ear/head, he let out a little yelp, and I FLEW across the room and landed on my knee. Quite funny...he was smarter enough to move now. Hahaha. And now my knee is red. But anyway...

--that we had put together were still at the house, so we just HAD to drive back and pick them up. ;) So then we went to our other friend's house to eat breakfast as she texted me and made sure we were still coming because the pancakes were cold. Haha. We got there circa 10:45ish. Then ate pancakes, had our last little shindig with her, watched (500) Days of Summer because she had never seen it and left circa 2:30pm. Still running on approximately 3.6 hours of sleep, and I was scheduled to sing at youth group, so I had to be there at 5:15pm. But my little sister, Grace, had a soccer practice at 5 across town, so I decided that I wanted to drive everyone there. NEVER. AGAIN. I HATED IT. Too many people trying to tell me how to drive and you could just feel the tension in the car. Noooooo thank you. Then, I went to church, which was the last time I would see one of my best friends who is going to college pretty much across the country. :( But youth group was literally OFF the HOOK and went on until about 9:30pm. And then had plans to hang out with some people I hadn't seen in a long time, so we met up at a local frozen yogurt place. It was a good time. I got home just past 11 o'clock (an extremely early night, considering). I realized that I hadn't really eaten dinner, so I ate some pasta and watched some television. Finally went to bed around 12:45am. Haha. Woke up at 10:30 this morning and am scheduled to babysit at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
Apparently, I can have a full day with sleep equivalent to that of a nap. Hahahaha. :P
God is amazing. ;)


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