Saturday, November 20, 2010

"I wanted to say to you...

...we've come a long, long way."
-Good Old War

Well, I have an exegetical paper due the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and I had yet to start it until today. I just now settled in my room after around three hours in the theological library. Let me tell you a little story: I live on the east campus of the school. The theological library is on the west campus. Which isn't really that far, except for the fact that when we left is was literally POURING. I may be able to post a picture later, but seriously...the ground had about an inch of water on it. And I was wearing sweatpants, fluffy socks and converse. NOT a good combination. My feet were soaked by the time I completed my fourth step and my pants were especially heavy form all the water they were harboring. I borrowed my roommate's umbrella, so my head was dry, but that's about it. DRENCHED. It was uncomfortable. Haha. Anyhow, I just got back from that, then we walked back and stopped in the coffee shop and I got a mocha almond fudge muffin--warmed. :)
Then I tidied and vacuumed the room and turned on yellow lights only. Put my iPod in and am enjoying a relaxing afternoon. Except I'm sore...and didn't sleep very well. Which is another story....that I will tell you now. Hahaha.
So, I mentioned in a previous post that the shirt I purchased was knowingly too small for me (size-wise). HOWEVA, I refused to not wear it. When I tried it on it was like....awful. HAHAHA. It was really funny. Anyway, last night I was watching a scary movie with my friends (on my computer because my screen is the biggest) and then I decided that I could not continue on watching it. I just couldn't handle it. Haha.
So I returned to my room and realized that I had hardly anything to do without a computer, so I turned and saw my t-shirt sitting on my bed. I took it into the community bathroom, and turned the water on high/hot. I completely soaked the shirt (and my hands got ever so slightly burned!), then I wrung it out a little so it wouldn't be dripping on my way back to the room. I proceeded to take my towel and wrap it around my pillow and put socks in appropriate areas to fashion myself a dummy. I somehow managed to squeeze the shirt around it, and began to blow-dry it. Hahahaha. So I blew it dry as much as I could before I reluctantly went to see Harry Potter 7 with a bunch of boys. Haha. I left it on my bed with the fan directly facing it and when I got back, I didn't want to take it off, so I left it on the "dummy" for the night and thus did not have a pillow. So, I didn't sleep that well last night, and the moment of truth came this morning. I removed the shirt from the dummy and things looked promising. I put the shirt on aaaaannnd.....IT FITS ME! BWAHAHAHAHAHA. WIN.
I think I win at life now. I am so happy that I don't have to NOT wear this t-shirt. Haha. :D
Anyhow, that's pretty much it. I can't think of anything else clever to say, so...I'm mostly just happy that I got some work done on my exegetical paper and that my shirt fits. and it's raining. and I am just perfectly content. Alrighty.....


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