Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"If you said goodbye to me tonight...

...there would still be music left to write."
-Billy Joel

Welllll...I have been informed by my dear mother, that I have not written on this thing in over a week! I can't believe it's been that long...honestly, time flies when you actually have more important things to do than write on your blog. Hahahaha. Anyhow, God is much on my campus, and in me and all around, it's just so exc
iting!! :D
Ahhh...He is so good. Annnnd, I finally wrote a letter to my friend who goes to school out-of-state! She was happy, I think. Haha. :)
Anyhow, those lyrics were inspired by something I did tonight. SO COOL. So my friend wanted to ask this boy she knows to our girl-ask-guy dance. And she wanted to serenade him in front of the men's chorale...she chose the song quoted above, and we all practiced and were ready to go. Until the day we had planned to pop the question, the m
en's chorale director decided to give the guys a day off! Haha! Ooooof course. So we just did it tonight. In the middle of the cafeteria. With everybody watching. I was SO DARN NERVOUS. Hahaha. But it went well and he said yes. :) HE HAD NO IDEA. I was one of five back-up singers...and we were all eating together on the other side of the caf. Then we all started snapping and walking over to where they were eating...he had a semi-confused look on his face, and then she stood on a chair and he knew what was happening. Hahahaha. SO GREAT. People were cheering, and videotaping and just all this fun stuff. I am so happy to have been a part of it. :)
Welllll, I have class at 8:20 tomorrow morning, so I should probably head to bed...soon. HA.
Alrighty, goodnight.


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