Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Everyday oughta be...

...a bad day for you."
-Darwin Deez

Welp, my Thanksgiving went very well, I'd say. I surprised my mother and came home with one of my roommates at 10:40pm Tuesday night. She screamed. I'm surprised she didn't wake the neighbors. ;)
And break was absolutely lovely. I loved every part of being home, I think. And we wandered into this random record store's basement where they keep allllll the records. It was so cool. I posted a video on youtube singing a song in there. Haha. Here's some documentation I took:

'Twas a good time...a good time indeed. So I had that exegetical paper due today that I had worked on a while back. And I tried for literally six hours to write it last night, until three o'clock in the morning. By that time, all I had added to the paper was one paragraph, for a grand total of three paragraphs. So...I finally decided at 3am that my mind wasn't going to function any better at that time, so I went to bed, woke up around 8:20, took a shower and head over to the theological library yet again. I was in there from about 9:45am until 12:45pm. Three hours. And I finished my paper just about two minutes before it was due. So, we shall see how that goes. HAHA.
There are a bunch of tiny little annoying gnats in our room. We don't know where they came from, but they were here when we returned from break. >:( So we decided to empty all the trash bins. I hope that helps, because I've killed at least five with my bare hands and they just keep popping out of nowhere. I have an 8-10 page final paper for one of my classes and the prompt is very vague. But I only see that professor once a week, so I guess I'll have to email her. OH. Strange happening for the day! I need to switch into a different music theory class, but the status of the class is listed as closed, so I emailed the professor to try to appeal and get added to the class. He said he would add me once the spring semester started, but then added that I should send him a headshot so he can put a face to my name. I thought that was a little strange, so I called my mom and asked her. Hahaha. My friends were making fun of me. But whatever, I guess I'll send him a pitcha. I don't have much else to say as of right now. But happy Christmas time, fellow internet users! ;D


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