Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Test me, try me, prove me...

...refine me like the gold."
-Misty Edwards

God is just doing such amazing things around these parts. I got the opportunity to attend an event called "The Student Call" this past weekend. It was purely amazing. I was so passionate about the prayers we were praying and the songs we were singing; I wanted to sing literally louder than my vocal folds will ever allow, I wanted to stomp on the ground so hard the ground would start breaking beneath my feet, I wanted to jump through the cathedral ceilings, I wanted to smile from ear to ear, I wanted to by SUPERhuman. Haha. :)
But seriously, it was incredible. I was praying so loud a few times that my voice actually cracked. Hahaha. Whatever, it's all worth it. Basically we were there from 2pm-10pm worshipping and praying and worshipping and praying some more and worshipping some more, etc. without any breaks or food or water (in my case) and it was just so good. Originally, I had planned to leave early with some other people I know so that I could work on some homework, but right when we walked into that room, the presence of God was so eminent, and you could just tell that the Holy Spirit was moving--right then I knew there was no way I was leaving early. Ha. So that was Saturday.

This week is an extremely stressful week. In fact, I really should NOT be writing on this blog right now, but it's my way to unwind. (Sorry, Mama.) I had two papers due for the same class on Monday along with other various homework assignments, and I had 34 chapter summaries of the book of Deuteronomy due today along with other various homework assignments, and a study session tonight that started at six, and then we had our hall worship night and tomorrow morning I have a test at 8:20am that I am not compleeeeetely comfortable with. I have stayed up until three o'clock MINIMUM that past3-4 nights and as I glance at the clock right this moment, it looks like here's another one to add to the list. GAH.

I feel like there was something really inspirational I wanted to share, but I can't remember it. Maybe I should just sleep...I probably will.
HAHAHA. I just looked over and one of my roommates is doing abdominal workouts on the floor. IT'S TOO LATE FOR EXERCISE!! She is desperate to discover this blog. But I refuse to tell her anything about it! HMPH. Roomie, if by some miracle, you're reading this:
alrighty, I'm peacin'.


HAHAHA. It WOULD be past three right now..... -_-

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