Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Sometimes bombs...

...fall quietly."
-Jason Reeves was the infamous Halloween. And I, as a college student, did absolutely nothing crazy. And I'm actually quite satisfied with how my day went. :)
One of my choirs (the mixed choir) had a performance to
day in which I had to wear all black AND make-up. Hahaha. I didn't like the way my black pants were fitting so, I borrowed some from one of my hall-mates. I didn't like my cardigan, so I borrowed one from a another hall-mate. I borrowed one of my roommates' headband. And blush. All that was mine were the shirt and shoes. Hahaha. It's pretty great. So that performance went well, I loved the music, so that's just the best. And then after that, I got back to my room around 5:55pm in which the faculty's children were to be trick-or-treating on our hall at 6:00pm. And in my all-black attire I rushed to try and figure out what to be that would not require me changing. Using my noggin, I decided to cut out stars and tape them on myself to be the night sky. Bahahaha. This is how it turned out:
not bad, eh? I was quite fond of it. Haha. :) And after that I rushed over to a dorm to finish up the Giants game. I'm happy that they're doing so well. YEE. Then I ate for the first time since noon. And watched some of my friends leave for a dance party...and one of my roommates is headed to a military base...alright. Hahaha.
Then some friends I met just the other night came by and reverse trick-or-treated on me! BWAHAHA. SO GREAT. I'm in my room by myself and all of a sudden I hear, *knock knock knock* "TRICK OR TREEAAAT!" So I opened the door and there they stand, with a cute little bag full of candy! We ended up hanging out for a while sharing awkward stories and watching Julian Smith videos. That guy is a genius. :D

I'm going to work backwards and talk about my yesterday now. Yesterday, I ate brunch with my roommate and two of her friends from high school who also attend the same college as we do. Then on a whim we decided to head to a thrift store in a nicer, nearby town. So we went over there and I bought a nice scarf for only $3.50! SCORE. I was happy about it. Especially because I am now realizing that I left all of my scarves at home. :/
Then we went to the "old" part of that town where there is really good shopping in stores that I can never afford, but would absolutely love to wear. Haha. Then we got back and I watched the Giants game. And I had a major headache that was unpleasant. UGH. Then I ate dinner, then headed to a classical performance for credit in one of my classes. It was two hours long....they played THREE PIECES. THREE. Hahahaha. It was tough for me because I had a headache, but I didn't want to be rude and sleep. Haha.

Friday my roommate and I went to our other roommates' band concert. Which I ALSO got class credit for. Shweet. One of my classes was cancelled, so I only had one class. It was preview weekend here at school when prospective students come to spend the night and check out the school, so my choir (which was the one class I had that day) just had a performance after we had sectionals. That was a good day.

I'm really liking my friends here. I love them. They're funny, witty, and just so much fun to be with. That's all. I should probably do my homework now. I just...didn't want to and I knew I hadn't updated this blog in a while. Haha...



*note: I was not writing this all in one sitting. I got up and traded cardigans back with my hall-mate, browsed facebook a bit, etc.

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