Saturday, October 2, 2010

"Nobody said... was easy."

Welllll, I haven't written on here for quite some time. I had the best intentions so many times, to post on this, but I just kept forgetting. I got through my first couple collegiate quizzes, hot thunderstorm AND sickness. Haha. My quizzes were fine, as far as I can tell. The thunderstorm was kinda was hot, it's been hot, and all of a sudden, a storm decides to come on in and it's all gloomy and dreary and it starts pouring rain. And then lightning and thunder starts happening everywhere! AND THEN...there was a GIANT one, right next to the building I was in!! IT WAS SO CRAZY. INTENSE. And then within the next few minutes, it was all clear skies and got HOT! Ahhhh...this whether is so random. And lastly, there is definitely a little bug running wildly around the dorms. I thought I would be immune because I never get sick and I have an immune system of STEEL. But alas...I fell into the trap. :(
Anyway, we did service projects today and I absolutely LOVE helping old people out! Granted, they could probably do most of it on their own (if you saw them, you would understand) but I just love making them feel loved and whatnot. Then a group of us was just standing in the road and this random woman who lives there was walking around and randomly says to us, " you so much....for all that you do..." She was just so sweet. Precious.
Choir is awesome. My roommate and I got a third roommate and it shall be interesting. It's just kind of weird to get another roommate added into the mix this late in the game. Eh...I think it will be okay, but I don't think it's quite as ideal as it was when it was just the two of us. Mind you, I have absolutely nothing against her, it's just going to take some adjusting.
Um...I can't really think of anything else to say. OH! An RA on my floor got engaged tonight!! SOOOOO ADORABLE!! LOVE IT. Ahhhhh...perfect.
Anyway, I'm tired. I shall proceed to head to bed now. I shall leave you with this...this is one of the most relatable things I have found on youtube in my life. SO HILARIOUS.



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