Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Who doesn't long for someone to hold?...

...who knows how to love you without being told."
-Natasha Bedingfield

Wellllll, I just finished up my week splendidly. I got out of class, hung out with my sister, went to a fifty cent barbecue, came back, then found out that my roommate and I had been planning to go out with our neighbors all week! (Which I had heard nothing about until recently, of course. Haha.) Anyway, we started getting ready because we were going to a nicer outdoor mall place with a hotel and Cheesecake Factory and all the lovely stores that I could never afford. Ha. So we all got ready to go, left around eight o'clock and got back around ten forty-five-ish. SO MUCH FUN. We went to the Cheesecake Factory, and of course, I ordered the "Ultimate Red Velvet Cake Cheesecake." MMMMMM. So good. I have only ever had Cheesecake Factory once before in my which I ordered the very same thing. Bahahaha. Anyhow, we were seated outside and it was just a lovely evening. We walked around and perused in some stores afterward.
Then I got back and was planning to brush my teeth and then head to bed, but of course...why would I do that?! HA. I got a call from my friend to hang out, so I did. But only for about forty-five minutes because I'm trying to be responsible. Anyhow, I just really love these people...they're so much fun. And don't make fun of me for being awkward. :P

I'm trying to be responsible because I need to wake up at seven tomorrow morning to take a shower. I need to take a shower because my hair is in that weird stage where it's not really dirty, but by tomorrow afternoon it will I need to take a shower before then, stage...haha. Aaaaand I will be on a bus tomorrow morning by eight fifteen in a looovely (slight sarcasm) black choir dress. I'm actually really excited for tomorrow. We're singing at a church, and it will be televised to this nearby hospital, I suppose. And then after that, we're going to actually change into our polo uniforms and go into the hospital and sing to people in there (if they don't mind)! I'M SO EXCITED. I'm just...not sure I'll be able to make it without crying, depending on the unit of the hospital my group is assigned to. Anyway, a great time it shall be!
Mom, I *meant to call you tonight and tell you that, but I never got around to it. Haha. Also, the small envelope was from the same incredible human being who built me a box. :D



*corrected the spelling brought to my attention by my intelligent younger sister 1:22am, 10/25/10

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