Friday, October 15, 2010

"You make beautiful things out of dust...

...You make beautiful things out of us."
-Michael Gungor word: stress. Another word: void. And one last word: fill.
Point being, I should be really stressed out right now, but I'm not. I have to read an entire novel by Monday (it's 320 pages long and I've read 30 of them), I need to read another story and write a four to five page paper on it, I need to study for a midterm I have, also on Monday, and do other classwork that I have coming up along with becoming familiar with many pieces of music that I'll be performing in various choirs sometime in the near future. Yet...I feel nothing. Haha.
I really need to buckle down on this, though, because tomorrow, I'm planning to watch the Star Wars trilogy with the Community Advisor's roommate who happens to love Star Wars more than I AND live on my floor. WIN. Complete with Yoda Soda and Wookie Cookies AND Hanburgers. ;D So...that starts at approximately 2pm and will probably last until around 10pm, I'm thinking. AGH. Soooo...that pretty much blocks out tomorrow in its entirety to work on something productive. But I'm thinking about maybe missing the first episode. Luke is especially whiny in that one, anyway. HA.
Of course, I SHOULD be doing my homework right now, but I seriously just cannot find the motivation to do so. Just like my Genesis notes...I can't remember if I mentioned them on here before. But, I was supposed to read all fifty chapters and write a summary for each one...I only did eleven of those chapters prior to the night before. However, when it WAS the night before, I was so efficient and quick it only took me like...three hours.


Wellll...I have successfully wasted a few more precious moments of my life not doing what I should be doing. I've literally been in my room for at LEAST two and a half hours trying to do my homework...and failing miserably. FLABBERSHOOPEN. 0_O
Anyhow. I should really try to get to work. WAIT! I remembered something else I can randomly share. I thought I had lost ALL of my syllabi, but as it turns out, I'm just more organized than I think I am. I had them all in a box on my desk the whole time. Ha...gee, isn't that great!?


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