Monday, October 11, 2010

"Melt the clouds of sin...

...sin and sadness, drive the dark of doubt away."
- ? (Beethoven's Ode to Joy?)

Today was our first women's choir concert/performance, as I mentioned earlier. And...we did surprisingly well! Despite the half an hour delay in departure time, I'd say our overall performance was pretty good and the elderly people of the convalescent home really enjoyed it. (As they voluntarily informed me after the service.) The MC kept saying the nicest things like, "Wow, I think the angels in Heaven have some competition!" Or, "I think this is the closest thing to what it will sound like in Heaven!" Hahaha. Anyway, there's this thing we have in choir called "secret sisters," which is pretty much your year-round secret Santa. Which...if you ask me, is asking a little much from a poor college student such as myself. They're expecting us to get them something for just about every occasion, including this morning in which call-time was 7:30am. And last night, my neighbor and I had completely forgotten about our secret sister's gifts, so we ran to the store and grabbed some stuff. My sister wrote that her favorite candies are Reese's Pieces and Haribo Gummy Bears. I saw a small box of Reese's Pieces at a nearby grocery store for $1.99 and I was absolutely appalled that they would try to sell that to me for such a ridiculous price. So I walked over to the next store and I got a packet of Reese's Pieces AND a bag of Haribos for $1.88. WIN. Haha. My sister baked me a plate of chocolate chip cookies...just what I need in the morning! ;D Hey...I'm not complaining. They were really good. :D
I got back from the performance around 12:30pm and I was DEAD tired. But instead of sleeping, I decided to eat because there would be no other time for me to eat seeing as how I had been planning to go to this free concert with a bunch of indie/alternative bands for the rest of the day. And so I ate, then took a nap, then decided to leave for the concert!
Funny thing is, this whole time I was planning to go, I just kept feeling like I was supposed to ask my mom. Hahahaha. An adult, college student feeling like they need to ask their mother to do something - sad? NO. RESPONSIBLE. HA. Anyhow, so I finally decided that I would just call her and tell her what my plans were. And she was fine with it. Thankfully. I mean, there's not much she could have done about it, but still...I just felt so extremely rebellious not telling her.
Anyhow, the concert was off da HOOK! Okay...not really. But it was super fun! I got to hear a looooot of great music! AND it was free! The only downside that comes with this kind of music is the target audience...hahaha. That was the closest I've ever been to actual weed being smoked. And there was a lot of it. I did not enjoy it one bit. Haha. But still...the music was great and wonderful. So that was a plus. :)
Then I came back and had a meeting with my alpha group and we are all bonding so much, I LOVE it! :D Today, we had a discussion about how all the boys try all these different pick-up lines and how all the girls respond differently to them and whatnot. It was just a fun growing experience, I think...for all of us to be so candid with each other. It was a good time. :)

THEEEEEEN, I finally ate dinner around 10:20, came home and found out that my 8:20am class tomorrow morning is cancelled! WOO! But...only a half-woo because my professor is sick. :(
We'll talk more later.
But for now, "Let's make like fabric softener and Snuggle." HAHAHAHA.


p.s. I could really go for getting more mail every once in a while. Haha.

p.p.s. Also something I've noticed is that the post doesn't publish what time I actually post my blog, but rather, the time I start typing. So I'm going to start including my actual post time so you can see how much time I actually waste on this thing. HA.

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