Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Lights will guide you home...

...and ignite your bones, I will try to fix you."

Welllll my day is finally coming to a close! Whew! What a long day. I didn't end up heading to bed last night until 3:10am because of that dumb paper. I really, strongly dislike that class. Then I woke up at 7:35am to get ready to go to my midterm exam thing in my 8:20 class, then I skipped chapel to do homework for my next class. And then I had a break in which I SHOULD have been reading the novel I've been putting off, but instead took an hour nap and went to eat lunch. I had quite the lovely lunch, though! Then I had a choir practice, a recital to attend, and another break in which I dedicated myself to read the book. Before I go on, you must understand this one thing: I DO NOT LIKE TO READ. Up to that point today, I had read only thirty pages of the 322-page book due by 7:30 this evening. Also, mind you, our professor sent us an email saying there will be an actual test on the book past midnight the night before class. So...obviously not the most preparatory teacher in the world. Anyway, I BLASTED through the book and I actually finished it! In about an hour and a half. I...still don't really know how I did that, though...I was pretty much ultra-skimming the pages, but I walked away with just enough solid information for me to take the test and carry on conversation about it in class! Haha. Wooo! So I got to class tonight and it just dragged oooooon and ooooon...it's my least favorite class, by FAR. The teacher talks really slow and soft, and it just irks me in so many ways. If you're the professor, you should have prepared something to say to us before you just showed up to class. And she kept getting the character names mixed up, which was also just adding to the aggravation on my part. It's a three-hour class, but we get out early and it still feels like seven hours. Seriously. It is the WORST. I REALLY DON'T LIKE IT.
After that, I hadn't eaten dinner yet, so I went to an eatery on campus, met up with my sister, met some of her friends, came back to my room, hung out, did nothing, chat with hallmates, walked over to brother hall for three minutes, came back to sing happy birthday to girl on our hall at midnight, went back over to brother hall, walked to the coffee shop, and hung out until about two in the morning just sitting and laughing and having a grand ol' time outside in the wet, gloomy air. I LOVE IT. Some of these people...are just SO SO funny!! There's this one guy...and when he talks it's just like he's spitting out a sit-com from his mind. His delivery, timing and tone are all just spot on. I love it. He is ridiculously hilarious to me! Bwahahaha.
Anyway, I'm not tired right now, but it's slowly catching up with me! Agh....like now.
Alrighty, I suppose I'll head to bed now. Thank you, Jesus for endurance for the day!


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