Friday, October 8, 2010

"For Thine is the Kingdom...

...and the power, and the glory, forever."
-The Lord's Prayer
Welllll, I'm a college student and currently sitting at home by myself doing absolutely nothing. Hahaha. Tonight is the homecoming dance, themed to dress as your favorite decade entitled, "the bring it back dance." But I'm not there. Dances....aren't really my thing. Haha. However, tonight was my hall's first brother hall activity. I live in an all-girls dorm and so we have a brother hall from the all-boys hall with whom we do fun activities and silly little date things and whatnot. Tonight was the first one, and it was a "dinner date." I actually had a lot of fun. :)
My date was pretty much my opposite. Kind of shy, quiet, and isolated. Seriously...we were standing in a circle talking and he was sitting on the ground...RIGHT NEXT TO US. And I kept trying to engage him in conversation, but he never got really into it! Haha. I confronted him and asked, "Why are you being os anti-social?" And he says, "I'm guys are just....crazy." HAHAHAHAHAHA. I thought it was pretty funny. Anyway, he was a sweet guy, just not up for my energy level, I think. It was fun, though. After that, some of us decided to walk over to a nearby frozen yogurt place in which I met some people whose parents are seriously involved in the music business. Like...I was BLOWN. AWAY. I didn't even really know what to say to them. So...hopefully I'll keep rubbing elbows with them, seeing as how I am an aspiring musician. :P Of course, I really liked them as human beings, as well...those are just pluses.
I bought some store brand pop-tarts from the local grocery store as well...probably not the best idea. And this weekend is the women's choir's first concert! Singing at a convalescent home about an hour should be interesting. It's parent's weekend here this weekend, so we had a run-through performance today, and it was...a little rough. Ha. So...hopefully we'll get a little more familiar with this music. And we're singing "The Lord's Prayer," so that is how I chose it for my title. It's just kinda sorta completely stuck in my head. :P Except for now, because I'm playing lovely tunes from my iPod player. YEE.
This past Wednesday, one of my great friends from home came to tour the school (she's a senior in high school this year) and it was SO GOOD to see her beautiful face. I was really missing my buddies from home who know me, and know about me, and understand me fully...and that familiarity. I mean, I wasn't about to cry about it, but I was just noticing that lately. Anyhow, she as just what I needed. And she said it was her favorite. :D
AAAAAAND, she literally built me a box. And collaged it. With great photos and stuff. SO COOL. I love her. Here's a picture that does not do justice:

Ahhh...welp, I can't think of any other pertinent information that I would ever need to share with the internet. HAHAHA. I'm peacin'. Hoping video chat with my best friend later tonight!


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