Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Sometimes bombs...

...fall quietly."
-Jason Reeves was the infamous Halloween. And I, as a college student, did absolutely nothing crazy. And I'm actually quite satisfied with how my day went. :)
One of my choirs (the mixed choir) had a performance to
day in which I had to wear all black AND make-up. Hahaha. I didn't like the way my black pants were fitting so, I borrowed some from one of my hall-mates. I didn't like my cardigan, so I borrowed one from a another hall-mate. I borrowed one of my roommates' headband. And blush. All that was mine were the shirt and shoes. Hahaha. It's pretty great. So that performance went well, I loved the music, so that's just the best. And then after that, I got back to my room around 5:55pm in which the faculty's children were to be trick-or-treating on our hall at 6:00pm. And in my all-black attire I rushed to try and figure out what to be that would not require me changing. Using my noggin, I decided to cut out stars and tape them on myself to be the night sky. Bahahaha. This is how it turned out:
not bad, eh? I was quite fond of it. Haha. :) And after that I rushed over to a dorm to finish up the Giants game. I'm happy that they're doing so well. YEE. Then I ate for the first time since noon. And watched some of my friends leave for a dance party...and one of my roommates is headed to a military base...alright. Hahaha.
Then some friends I met just the other night came by and reverse trick-or-treated on me! BWAHAHA. SO GREAT. I'm in my room by myself and all of a sudden I hear, *knock knock knock* "TRICK OR TREEAAAT!" So I opened the door and there they stand, with a cute little bag full of candy! We ended up hanging out for a while sharing awkward stories and watching Julian Smith videos. That guy is a genius. :D

I'm going to work backwards and talk about my yesterday now. Yesterday, I ate brunch with my roommate and two of her friends from high school who also attend the same college as we do. Then on a whim we decided to head to a thrift store in a nicer, nearby town. So we went over there and I bought a nice scarf for only $3.50! SCORE. I was happy about it. Especially because I am now realizing that I left all of my scarves at home. :/
Then we went to the "old" part of that town where there is really good shopping in stores that I can never afford, but would absolutely love to wear. Haha. Then we got back and I watched the Giants game. And I had a major headache that was unpleasant. UGH. Then I ate dinner, then headed to a classical performance for credit in one of my classes. It was two hours long....they played THREE PIECES. THREE. Hahahaha. It was tough for me because I had a headache, but I didn't want to be rude and sleep. Haha.

Friday my roommate and I went to our other roommates' band concert. Which I ALSO got class credit for. Shweet. One of my classes was cancelled, so I only had one class. It was preview weekend here at school when prospective students come to spend the night and check out the school, so my choir (which was the one class I had that day) just had a performance after we had sectionals. That was a good day.

I'm really liking my friends here. I love them. They're funny, witty, and just so much fun to be with. That's all. I should probably do my homework now. I just...didn't want to and I knew I hadn't updated this blog in a while. Haha...



*note: I was not writing this all in one sitting. I got up and traded cardigans back with my hall-mate, browsed facebook a bit, etc.

Monday, October 25, 2010

"Lalalalalalala-life goes full circle...

....lalalalalalala-life is wonderful."
-Jason Mraz

Ahhh. I just talked to my best friend via electronical/cyber video chat. It was absolutely wonderful. I love her and miss her a lot, but it was just so good to c
hat with her!
AND, on top of that, I just discovered two new bands that
I LOVE. Buuuut...I have quite a bit of music that I would like to obtain and add to my library, yet I have not near enough iTunes money. :(

Anyway, right about now, with this new music, and this weather, and with no homework, and having spoken to my bee-eff-eff!, this is how I feel:

Hehe. I have nothing super awesome to tell you right now; I'll talk about the hospital visit and church performance another time. But I must take a shower right now and get ready for my 8:20am class tomorrow morning. WOOT. :P


Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Who doesn't long for someone to hold?...

...who knows how to love you without being told."
-Natasha Bedingfield

Wellllll, I just finished up my week splendidly. I got out of class, hung out with my sister, went to a fifty cent barbecue, came back, then found out that my roommate and I had been planning to go out with our neighbors all week! (Which I had heard nothing about until recently, of course. Haha.) Anyway, we started getting ready because we were going to a nicer outdoor mall place with a hotel and Cheesecake Factory and all the lovely stores that I could never afford. Ha. So we all got ready to go, left around eight o'clock and got back around ten forty-five-ish. SO MUCH FUN. We went to the Cheesecake Factory, and of course, I ordered the "Ultimate Red Velvet Cake Cheesecake." MMMMMM. So good. I have only ever had Cheesecake Factory once before in my which I ordered the very same thing. Bahahaha. Anyhow, we were seated outside and it was just a lovely evening. We walked around and perused in some stores afterward.
Then I got back and was planning to brush my teeth and then head to bed, but of course...why would I do that?! HA. I got a call from my friend to hang out, so I did. But only for about forty-five minutes because I'm trying to be responsible. Anyhow, I just really love these people...they're so much fun. And don't make fun of me for being awkward. :P

I'm trying to be responsible because I need to wake up at seven tomorrow morning to take a shower. I need to take a shower because my hair is in that weird stage where it's not really dirty, but by tomorrow afternoon it will I need to take a shower before then, stage...haha. Aaaaand I will be on a bus tomorrow morning by eight fifteen in a looovely (slight sarcasm) black choir dress. I'm actually really excited for tomorrow. We're singing at a church, and it will be televised to this nearby hospital, I suppose. And then after that, we're going to actually change into our polo uniforms and go into the hospital and sing to people in there (if they don't mind)! I'M SO EXCITED. I'm just...not sure I'll be able to make it without crying, depending on the unit of the hospital my group is assigned to. Anyway, a great time it shall be!
Mom, I *meant to call you tonight and tell you that, but I never got around to it. Haha. Also, the small envelope was from the same incredible human being who built me a box. :D



*corrected the spelling brought to my attention by my intelligent younger sister 1:22am, 10/25/10

Friday, October 22, 2010

"I've made up my mind... need to think it over."

My roommate just told me that my blog should be about how I'm not taking a shower. Well...there. I just integrated it. Anyhow, I WILL take a shower, just not right this instance. I've been meaning to post a blog since Tuesday night, I just have not had the time. Tuesday night, my roommate and I led our third weekly worship night on for our floor. Not too too many people came from our hall, but girls from OTHER floors came! It was one of the best so far. It was really good. Our RA told us that she wanted to have communion that night as well, so we chose songs that went more along the lines of our Salvation and whatnot. It was just....powerful. I think God brought all that people that needed to be there, and the people who wanted to be there. My roommate and I went to the prayer chapel afterwards in order to pray about how it went, and how to improve on worship nights to come, and how we are available and longing to be part of the revival on our campus! AHHHH. SO GOOD. I am so blessed with great roommates. Plus, we're getting all high-tech for our worship nights, and our neighbor has an iMac monitor she brought, so I type up the lyrics on my laptop on Powerpoint and then they are displayed for everyone to see! Hahaha. AND I have a remote that I can change slides's pretty much awesome.
Two of my guy friends and I bought tickets to a concert of two great artists and the tickets came today! WOOT. SO PUMPED. Then I told them that I will keep them...otherwise, they will be lost. They agreed. Haha.
Aaaand I decided to check my mail just about every four days, so as to not upset myself every time I see an empty metal box and I always tell my friend about this (one of the ones I'm going to the concert with). So this evening I finally made the effort to check my mail today and I unlocked that little gem, and wha-BAM. TWO THINGS IN THERE! One was a letter sent from someone in the school...I opened it and it's this little card...

HOW SPLENDID!! I just thought that was one of the sweetest things...he's a really great friend. Aaaaaand the other thing in my box was a GOLDEN TICKET. Here at school, I say golden ticket and I mean...golden. ticket. If you find one in your box, it means that whatever you received was too large to fit on the box! Mine is marked, "small envelope." I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS! I haven't ordered any books, that I can recall...but the post office was closed by that time, so now I sit. and stare. and wait. and think. and imagine what could possibly be in that small envelope. Hahaha. I shall find out tomorrow! :D
It's probably something really anti-climactic, with my luck. :P
But really, I'm just happy to get anything in my box. Hahaha.
Ooooh! Oooooh! I met this really really suuuuuper funny guy. He is of the funniest people I've ever met. I JUST NOW MADE THIS CONNECTION. SERIOUSLY. He reminds me of Michael Cera. It's his voice. And sort of his build...and everything that comes out of his mouth is like it's from a sitcom. He is hilarious. But it's not like he's cracking jokes all the time, he's more along the lines of awkward funny. Which is right up my alley!
And I'm establishing more guys friends...which is really good, because I was missing mine from home. Haha. There is a solid group of about three guys that I honestly, just HAPPEN to run into at eateries around campus. We're always eating at the same time, so we just eat together! Haha. And then I have other guy friends who are super cool, as well. So...finally getting more naturally comfortable than I have been since I've arrived here.
Anyhow, I think that's about all I have for you tonight. Haha. I'll be seeing all the old, familiar places...


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Lights will guide you home...

...and ignite your bones, I will try to fix you."

Welllll my day is finally coming to a close! Whew! What a long day. I didn't end up heading to bed last night until 3:10am because of that dumb paper. I really, strongly dislike that class. Then I woke up at 7:35am to get ready to go to my midterm exam thing in my 8:20 class, then I skipped chapel to do homework for my next class. And then I had a break in which I SHOULD have been reading the novel I've been putting off, but instead took an hour nap and went to eat lunch. I had quite the lovely lunch, though! Then I had a choir practice, a recital to attend, and another break in which I dedicated myself to read the book. Before I go on, you must understand this one thing: I DO NOT LIKE TO READ. Up to that point today, I had read only thirty pages of the 322-page book due by 7:30 this evening. Also, mind you, our professor sent us an email saying there will be an actual test on the book past midnight the night before class. So...obviously not the most preparatory teacher in the world. Anyway, I BLASTED through the book and I actually finished it! In about an hour and a half. I...still don't really know how I did that, though...I was pretty much ultra-skimming the pages, but I walked away with just enough solid information for me to take the test and carry on conversation about it in class! Haha. Wooo! So I got to class tonight and it just dragged oooooon and's my least favorite class, by FAR. The teacher talks really slow and soft, and it just irks me in so many ways. If you're the professor, you should have prepared something to say to us before you just showed up to class. And she kept getting the character names mixed up, which was also just adding to the aggravation on my part. It's a three-hour class, but we get out early and it still feels like seven hours. Seriously. It is the WORST. I REALLY DON'T LIKE IT.
After that, I hadn't eaten dinner yet, so I went to an eatery on campus, met up with my sister, met some of her friends, came back to my room, hung out, did nothing, chat with hallmates, walked over to brother hall for three minutes, came back to sing happy birthday to girl on our hall at midnight, went back over to brother hall, walked to the coffee shop, and hung out until about two in the morning just sitting and laughing and having a grand ol' time outside in the wet, gloomy air. I LOVE IT. Some of these people...are just SO SO funny!! There's this one guy...and when he talks it's just like he's spitting out a sit-com from his mind. His delivery, timing and tone are all just spot on. I love it. He is ridiculously hilarious to me! Bwahahaha.
Anyway, I'm not tired right now, but it's slowly catching up with me! now.
Alrighty, I suppose I'll head to bed now. Thank you, Jesus for endurance for the day!


Friday, October 15, 2010

"You make beautiful things out of dust...

...You make beautiful things out of us."
-Michael Gungor word: stress. Another word: void. And one last word: fill.
Point being, I should be really stressed out right now, but I'm not. I have to read an entire novel by Monday (it's 320 pages long and I've read 30 of them), I need to read another story and write a four to five page paper on it, I need to study for a midterm I have, also on Monday, and do other classwork that I have coming up along with becoming familiar with many pieces of music that I'll be performing in various choirs sometime in the near future. Yet...I feel nothing. Haha.
I really need to buckle down on this, though, because tomorrow, I'm planning to watch the Star Wars trilogy with the Community Advisor's roommate who happens to love Star Wars more than I AND live on my floor. WIN. Complete with Yoda Soda and Wookie Cookies AND Hanburgers. ;D So...that starts at approximately 2pm and will probably last until around 10pm, I'm thinking. AGH. Soooo...that pretty much blocks out tomorrow in its entirety to work on something productive. But I'm thinking about maybe missing the first episode. Luke is especially whiny in that one, anyway. HA.
Of course, I SHOULD be doing my homework right now, but I seriously just cannot find the motivation to do so. Just like my Genesis notes...I can't remember if I mentioned them on here before. But, I was supposed to read all fifty chapters and write a summary for each one...I only did eleven of those chapters prior to the night before. However, when it WAS the night before, I was so efficient and quick it only took me like...three hours.


Wellll...I have successfully wasted a few more precious moments of my life not doing what I should be doing. I've literally been in my room for at LEAST two and a half hours trying to do my homework...and failing miserably. FLABBERSHOOPEN. 0_O
Anyhow. I should really try to get to work. WAIT! I remembered something else I can randomly share. I thought I had lost ALL of my syllabi, but as it turns out, I'm just more organized than I think I am. I had them all in a box on my desk the whole time. Ha...gee, isn't that great!?


Monday, October 11, 2010

"Melt the clouds of sin...

...sin and sadness, drive the dark of doubt away."
- ? (Beethoven's Ode to Joy?)

Today was our first women's choir concert/performance, as I mentioned earlier. And...we did surprisingly well! Despite the half an hour delay in departure time, I'd say our overall performance was pretty good and the elderly people of the convalescent home really enjoyed it. (As they voluntarily informed me after the service.) The MC kept saying the nicest things like, "Wow, I think the angels in Heaven have some competition!" Or, "I think this is the closest thing to what it will sound like in Heaven!" Hahaha. Anyway, there's this thing we have in choir called "secret sisters," which is pretty much your year-round secret Santa. Which...if you ask me, is asking a little much from a poor college student such as myself. They're expecting us to get them something for just about every occasion, including this morning in which call-time was 7:30am. And last night, my neighbor and I had completely forgotten about our secret sister's gifts, so we ran to the store and grabbed some stuff. My sister wrote that her favorite candies are Reese's Pieces and Haribo Gummy Bears. I saw a small box of Reese's Pieces at a nearby grocery store for $1.99 and I was absolutely appalled that they would try to sell that to me for such a ridiculous price. So I walked over to the next store and I got a packet of Reese's Pieces AND a bag of Haribos for $1.88. WIN. Haha. My sister baked me a plate of chocolate chip cookies...just what I need in the morning! ;D Hey...I'm not complaining. They were really good. :D
I got back from the performance around 12:30pm and I was DEAD tired. But instead of sleeping, I decided to eat because there would be no other time for me to eat seeing as how I had been planning to go to this free concert with a bunch of indie/alternative bands for the rest of the day. And so I ate, then took a nap, then decided to leave for the concert!
Funny thing is, this whole time I was planning to go, I just kept feeling like I was supposed to ask my mom. Hahahaha. An adult, college student feeling like they need to ask their mother to do something - sad? NO. RESPONSIBLE. HA. Anyhow, so I finally decided that I would just call her and tell her what my plans were. And she was fine with it. Thankfully. I mean, there's not much she could have done about it, but still...I just felt so extremely rebellious not telling her.
Anyhow, the concert was off da HOOK! Okay...not really. But it was super fun! I got to hear a looooot of great music! AND it was free! The only downside that comes with this kind of music is the target audience...hahaha. That was the closest I've ever been to actual weed being smoked. And there was a lot of it. I did not enjoy it one bit. Haha. But still...the music was great and wonderful. So that was a plus. :)
Then I came back and had a meeting with my alpha group and we are all bonding so much, I LOVE it! :D Today, we had a discussion about how all the boys try all these different pick-up lines and how all the girls respond differently to them and whatnot. It was just a fun growing experience, I think...for all of us to be so candid with each other. It was a good time. :)

THEEEEEEN, I finally ate dinner around 10:20, came home and found out that my 8:20am class tomorrow morning is cancelled! WOO! But...only a half-woo because my professor is sick. :(
We'll talk more later.
But for now, "Let's make like fabric softener and Snuggle." HAHAHAHA.


p.s. I could really go for getting more mail every once in a while. Haha.

p.p.s. Also something I've noticed is that the post doesn't publish what time I actually post my blog, but rather, the time I start typing. So I'm going to start including my actual post time so you can see how much time I actually waste on this thing. HA.

Friday, October 8, 2010

"For Thine is the Kingdom...

...and the power, and the glory, forever."
-The Lord's Prayer
Welllll, I'm a college student and currently sitting at home by myself doing absolutely nothing. Hahaha. Tonight is the homecoming dance, themed to dress as your favorite decade entitled, "the bring it back dance." But I'm not there. Dances....aren't really my thing. Haha. However, tonight was my hall's first brother hall activity. I live in an all-girls dorm and so we have a brother hall from the all-boys hall with whom we do fun activities and silly little date things and whatnot. Tonight was the first one, and it was a "dinner date." I actually had a lot of fun. :)
My date was pretty much my opposite. Kind of shy, quiet, and isolated. Seriously...we were standing in a circle talking and he was sitting on the ground...RIGHT NEXT TO US. And I kept trying to engage him in conversation, but he never got really into it! Haha. I confronted him and asked, "Why are you being os anti-social?" And he says, "I'm guys are just....crazy." HAHAHAHAHAHA. I thought it was pretty funny. Anyway, he was a sweet guy, just not up for my energy level, I think. It was fun, though. After that, some of us decided to walk over to a nearby frozen yogurt place in which I met some people whose parents are seriously involved in the music business. Like...I was BLOWN. AWAY. I didn't even really know what to say to them. So...hopefully I'll keep rubbing elbows with them, seeing as how I am an aspiring musician. :P Of course, I really liked them as human beings, as well...those are just pluses.
I bought some store brand pop-tarts from the local grocery store as well...probably not the best idea. And this weekend is the women's choir's first concert! Singing at a convalescent home about an hour should be interesting. It's parent's weekend here this weekend, so we had a run-through performance today, and it was...a little rough. Ha. So...hopefully we'll get a little more familiar with this music. And we're singing "The Lord's Prayer," so that is how I chose it for my title. It's just kinda sorta completely stuck in my head. :P Except for now, because I'm playing lovely tunes from my iPod player. YEE.
This past Wednesday, one of my great friends from home came to tour the school (she's a senior in high school this year) and it was SO GOOD to see her beautiful face. I was really missing my buddies from home who know me, and know about me, and understand me fully...and that familiarity. I mean, I wasn't about to cry about it, but I was just noticing that lately. Anyhow, she as just what I needed. And she said it was her favorite. :D
AAAAAAND, she literally built me a box. And collaged it. With great photos and stuff. SO COOL. I love her. Here's a picture that does not do justice:

Ahhh...welp, I can't think of any other pertinent information that I would ever need to share with the internet. HAHAHA. I'm peacin'. Hoping video chat with my best friend later tonight!


Saturday, October 2, 2010

"Nobody said... was easy."

Welllll, I haven't written on here for quite some time. I had the best intentions so many times, to post on this, but I just kept forgetting. I got through my first couple collegiate quizzes, hot thunderstorm AND sickness. Haha. My quizzes were fine, as far as I can tell. The thunderstorm was kinda was hot, it's been hot, and all of a sudden, a storm decides to come on in and it's all gloomy and dreary and it starts pouring rain. And then lightning and thunder starts happening everywhere! AND THEN...there was a GIANT one, right next to the building I was in!! IT WAS SO CRAZY. INTENSE. And then within the next few minutes, it was all clear skies and got HOT! Ahhhh...this whether is so random. And lastly, there is definitely a little bug running wildly around the dorms. I thought I would be immune because I never get sick and I have an immune system of STEEL. But alas...I fell into the trap. :(
Anyway, we did service projects today and I absolutely LOVE helping old people out! Granted, they could probably do most of it on their own (if you saw them, you would understand) but I just love making them feel loved and whatnot. Then a group of us was just standing in the road and this random woman who lives there was walking around and randomly says to us, " you so much....for all that you do..." She was just so sweet. Precious.
Choir is awesome. My roommate and I got a third roommate and it shall be interesting. It's just kind of weird to get another roommate added into the mix this late in the game. Eh...I think it will be okay, but I don't think it's quite as ideal as it was when it was just the two of us. Mind you, I have absolutely nothing against her, it's just going to take some adjusting.
Um...I can't really think of anything else to say. OH! An RA on my floor got engaged tonight!! SOOOOO ADORABLE!! LOVE IT. Ahhhhh...perfect.
Anyway, I'm tired. I shall proceed to head to bed now. I shall leave you with this...this is one of the most relatable things I have found on youtube in my life. SO HILARIOUS.

