Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"I change my mind...

...that's what it's for."
-Eric Hutchinson

Hahaha...that is so true.  Hey, guess what! I only have two more days left in my HECKtic week!
Tomorrow Cornell notes are due for chapter 14 and 15, along with the test...that should be interesting...oh!  I have to remember to take the online prep-test becacuse he usualy uses three or four questions from there, and hey, that's three or four questions!
I also have my Pre-Calc test tomorrow on chapter 3!
ohhhh my goodness, if you could see my book!  I have post-it notes comin out of the yin-yang on that thing! Only because this section is all about choosing the correct equation for the problem and solving for the unknown just takes a long time to solve for it.  Gee, that sure did sound a lot easier reading back over it than actually doing it!
haha...I need to get at least a 45 out of 50 in order to get an A in the class.  I think it's a lot harder to get an A in a class when you have a B.  Because you're SO close, you have to only get A's in order to raise it to an A, because it's all about averaging...if you score lower than your percentage in the class, your grade drops a little. And if you score higher, your grade raises by what seems to be the smallest decimal possible.
You know what annoys me?
When people talk smack about someone you care about right in front of your face.  It REALLY gets to me...yes, continue reading for an example:
At my little sister's soccer game on Sunday, I was sitting a little further away from the field because I had our dog and I didn't want to disrupt anyone with him.  So I'm sitting there watching the game, and all of a sudden these two moms from the other team walk up in front of me to watch the game.  As if blocking my view wasn't enough, they proceeded to talk about how "physical this team is"!  PUUHHH-LEEEAAASE.  If you don't want your kid getting banged up, don't sign them up for competitive sports (my little sister is in a competitive league).  Then, one of my sister's teammates bumped or tripped or did something to one of the other players and these moms go, "OHHH!!! Come on!!!" and they did the little turn around/couple-paces thing as they rolled their eyes.  Of course the referee did not make a call because you have to be aggressive if you want to stand a chance in this game.  Then later, their team had the ball in our eighteen box (that means they're getting ready to shoot for those of you who don't know), and we have a defender who is in the process of stealing the ball away and carrying it up the sideline of the field.  BUT, the other team's player decides that since she can't beat her, push her with two hands in the back!  It was really obvious.  Now, let it be known that I'm not complaining about the push.  I'm complaining about the reaction to the push.  The referee called it a foul and the two (now semi-sunburned) moms go UP. IN. ARMS.  "Ohhh, come. on.  What about that shove over here?!?!"  And you know what I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to do?  I wanted to explain to them that because your team now has a scoring opportunity created directly from that blatantly obvious shove, it is a foul.  She made it impossible for our player to defend her goal...and that is her job as a ya get it now?!?!?
Now, of course I most certainly did not say that, but boy oh boy, let me tell you!  It took every ounce of self control and frustration containment inside of me not to lash out on those two.  That's not even the end of time our player went down.  I didn't see exactly what happened but I don't trust Momzilla and the Lochness Momster with their commentations.  Once again, the whistle was blown and we got a free kick.  Momzilla walked over to the sideline to ask a fellow parent what had happened only to return, eyes rolling, to say in a "gee, that's a surprise, let's just get all upset about something our child wants to do" voice, "Pshh...she TRIPPED on the ball...yeah! She tripped on the ball.  hm!"  Seriously?  Okay.  Way to set a great example for your children and getting all attitude-y on everybody for something that you absolutely cannot control.
Anyway, I've been needing to vent that, and I feel so much better.  There's more to the story, but I don't feel like typing anymore.  I'm tired.

On the bright side: 4 days until the first day of break!!!


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