Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"It doesn't hurt your eyesight...

to look at the bright side of things!"
That is also, some very wise advice.  For those of you who are happy that Barack Obama was elected the next President of the United States, I can imagine how elated you are!  And for those of you who were in favor of John McCain, that's some advice you should consider.  Look at it this way...it can only last eight years at the very very most!
Just trying to pour a little sweet sugar on that sour subject...
I really should go to bed, but I wanted to say that while it was still the EXTREMELY HISTORICAL day of November 4, 2008.  Wow, this one's for the books...for real.
And I also wanted to say it before I forgot...because that would happen to me. 

and tomorrow is Paul Kevin Jonas II's twenty-first birthday!


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