Thursday, November 20, 2008

People just have...

And it never ceases to amaze me!
Example.  My older sister is a graphic design major and this is what she does (actually, it's more like what I make her do, but, you know, it's all the same...)
She goes into her class and comes out with cool little pictures with effects and whatnot to promote my music!  This is the most recent work of hers, and I think it'd be an AHHHHMAAAHHHHZING album cover...that's right.  I've got big dreams.

Now, I think that's just magnificent, because I know I could NEVER do anything NEAR something as incredible as that!
Anyway, I had something else to say, but then we ate dinner and go, figure, I forgot!
So, I'll write soon! Or maybe not, because I have two papers due tomorrow...



Hannah said...

i know it's morning when i'm commenting this but...this made my night. :)

Stephanie C. said...

Yeah, great album cover!!!!