Monday, November 17, 2008

"I didn't wanna call you back...

...cuz I knew that I was wrong...yeah, I knew I was wrong..."
-Demi Lovato ft. Jonas Brothers

So just as  recap of the Sunday and today.
Not good.
Sunday, we travelled a good distance in order to see what I thought was going to be one of Grace's soccer games at 11 in the morning.  This required e waking up in the early morning in order for her to get to the game early, in order to warm up with her team.  Now I was lead to believe that we would go, watch the game, and then return to our humble abode.
Not the case.
Fortunately for the team, they got to play a second game at 4 o'clock! UNfortunately for me, I didn't bring any homework with me or anything!
I was not the happiest camper around.  I would have written on here, but of course there was no wi-fi! ugh.
So we ended up not getting home until almost six o'clock...then I had a TRUCKload of homework to do, but the Amazing Race came on at seven, then Extreme Home Makeover at eight, and my piano was just calling my name...then I finally did some of it.  But THEN, Brothers and Sisters came on at ten!
so you can imagine...
Anyway, I completely underestimated the amount of work that was needed in order to finish my Spanish packet, so I stayed up until one thirty in the morning doing that...I woke up this morning at a decent time...
Then I arrived in Spanish class only to have my teacher tell us that the packet due date was changed to tomorrow because he added an assignment!
I was pretty heated.
I'm tired.  
This week is going to be HECK-tic.  I have a Spanish listening comprehension test on Wednesday, a Pre-Calc HP test on Thursday, a compare and contrast essay due Friday in English, a Research paper on Jefferson Davis due on Friday as well for History, and Cornell notes and a Test on chapters 14 & 15 in History on Friday too...oh, and I also have a Chemistry benchmark test on friday.
yip to the pee.
can't you just hear my excitement leap off the screen?!
I thought not.
Ugh.  Anyway, I'm going to brush my teeth and all that jazz as to try and make up for some of the lost sleep from last night!



Hannah said...
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Hannah said...

oops...i accidentally deleted this:
wow. that is quite a load you've got there. i would like to say "good luck" but really what you need is "good time management." :)