Saturday, November 8, 2008

"I'm not a supermodel...

...I still, eat McDonald's.  Baby, that's just me."
-Demi Lovato

I haven't written in some time, and I am sorry for that.  Because I know the first thing you do everyday is wake up and say, "OMGOODNESS I HAVE TO SEE IF SUMMER CITY HAS POSTED ANYTHING NEW!  Her life is just so entertaining, riveting, and full of unknown shinanigans!"
But, I don't really have anything to say except, yesterday I was babysitting for different neighbors than last time, and I was typing something for this blog and then my internet connection was lost...along with that blog.
and, of course, I cannot remember what it was I was planning on saying.  You should all check out my youtube page!
support is most highly appreciated.

that's me!
My aunts are visiting and I cleaned my severely messed up room in record time!  Although I will say that it is probably a violation of safety code 4750384 to even come within 2 inches of my closet door.  HAHA!  That's what those things were invented for!  NOT for holding clothes in an organized fashion, but holding STUFF when you have collected too much and don't have a place to put the things you won't ever need...or use.
Alright, I'm out for now!



Hannah said...

my life revolves around this blog!!! do not leave me in the dark! lol
and yes, i thought about "no"
but i gotcha didn't i! haha you were going for country and got christian pop punk rock.

Summer City said...

I would call is Christian Alternative...

Summer City said...
