Monday, November 10, 2008

"Mmmmm, it's always better when we're together...

...yeah, we'll look at the stars when we're together..."
-Jack Johnson

Tonight it's about eleven twenty, and I'm usually up and about finishing up homework and whatnot.  But for some STRANGE AND DERANGED reason beyond my comprehension, I am exhausted.  I even had coffee ice cream (which ALWAYS makes me stay up) and I've been eating cream puffs, and peanut M&Ms, and I had a mini ice cream bar!

do not be alarmed by what appears to be my diet.  I'm just listing the junk food to show that I shouldn't be tired.  Don't worry, my mom feeds me nutritious food, unlike she turns on the heater.

Anyway, the point is, I really really WANT to stay up late tonight, and start Moulin Rouge! with my siter at approx. 1:43am, and then go stargazing, but I can't.
it's so much better when we're together.
miss you, sis!
(that may be the first time in history I've ever called my sister "sis"!)

And I would also like to give a SHOUT-OUT to all the Veterans and men and women on active duty.  I appreciate your work more than you know or ever can know, just because I don't know how I would ever be able to express the magnitude of gratitude.
(HAHA! That just so happened to rhyme!...also, I tend to put a lot of stuff in parentheses.)
Also another fun fact about me:
Someday I'm going to make a shirt that reads...
I attract awkward moments.
because it's true...but those are some stories I'll save for tomorrow!

till then!



Stephanie C. said...

You DO know that all the sugar you eat makes you tired, right? Right?

Hannah said... must really love your sister.