Saturday, November 1, 2008

"When it rains...

it pours."
-William Shakespeare
(but probably more well-known from 50 cent)
I am babysitting right now!  I have no problem with babysitting, just saddens me that the kids went to bed almost an hour ago, and the younger one is asleep.  The older, however is entertaining herself by singing little tunes and making her stuffed Halloween kitten dance around her crib.  It is quite entertaining...I can't see her, but I can hear her, and it's pretty funny.
She also tells stories, correcting herself when she gets the story adorable is that!?!

Anyway, I sit here and write to you from the couch of my neighbors because of one reason.  My friends are at a concert--

so Grace just got home from church and came to visit me...of course, she lolly-gags outside of the door while I tell her to leave her dripping umbrella on the outside of the house, and low and behold...the cat that the dog, Tucker, loves to chase is right outside.
Grace says, "There's a cat out here..." and moves aside so that I can have the privelege of seeing this cat...
well that went TERRIBLY bad.  The dog ran in through some bushes, (mind you, it is dark and STILL pouring during this grand affair), makes a squealing noise, and is nowhere to be found.  This would happen to me.
So there I am, standing in the rain, paging throughout the few-house range, "Tucker!  Come 'ere boy!  TUCKEEERRRR!"
and I look back and Grace is standing at the still open door, looks at me, and says, "What?!"
Then my mother yells from across the street, "He's on the neighbor's front porch!"
So, I had to walk down the walkway in the pouring rain with no shoes on, and search for this black cocker spaniel.  I only found him because I identified his glowing eyes in the darkness, and then called his name.  He ran around the car in the neighbor's driveway to yet another bush.  I bet you can guess what he did there...that's right, he marked his territory.  While I'm STILL standing there in the rain!  With no shoes! ugh. 
Next I lead the conveniently un-collared Tucker back to the house, in which he shook several times to dry off.  I told Grace to get a towel from our house to dry him off.
She came back and her entry had slightly improved, but there was still more lolly-gagging than I would have preferred.
Now the dog is dry, Grace is punching a balloon in my face, and I am wet.  and typing.
what a night.

--for the band that was at our party last night, and I don't want to do my homework.
 I was completely and totally going to go to the concert until I decided that babysitting was just an all-around better choice.  I get paid, and I get to do my homework!
can I get a "WOOHOO!" ? know you all just did that.

Allrighty, current event which will most likely be about the crazy presidential election, here I come!



Stephanie C. said...

You are adorable.

Hannah said...

oh my goodness. that story was GREAT. :D